Ladies & Gentlemen, it brings me great pleasure to bring to you something that every single gamer has experienced boss battles. They are in lots of games, not all but most of them are quite difficult, which is why, I have decided to compile my...
I also included videos links for each battle, now I am not as good as the most of these players (that's right I'm not the one playing these videos, I did them before) but they sure help get my description for each across, enjoy:
----------------10 - Cyber Errol----------------
Defeating Errol (from Jak 3) in his menacing machine was enough, you have the task of shooting his ground supports but he moves very quickly, fires weapons and could crush you to bits, once you beat him, your thumbs had gotten their workout.
------------------9 - Gregorov------------------
While the player seen here makes the battle very easy, Gregorov couldn't be killed, though he could shoot you in the head, he also patrols very dangerously and will track you if you fire off. If you were hiding at a corner and tried electrocute him with your taser, he'd shoot you right in the head!
-------------------8 - Rathalos-------------------
The Rathalos is difficult because of mainly its ease to trip you over and break an attack, while very powerful; the camera, time it takes to interchange between moves and environmental makes the battle very difficult, especially for those offline.
---------------------7 - Zeus---------------------
Like some other bosses, if you made a mistake you sometimes really got allot of damage, making a mistake against Zeus granted almost certain death, especially with the button specific sequences and you had to use this second rate sword at some points when you could have used your more effective Blades of Athena.
-------------6 - The Sisters of Fate-------------
This battle demanded quick reaction timing; you had to be fast in order to last. It is also a very long battle that would keep on killing you and I didn't really want to kill the sisters, they are actually quite beautiful.
------------------5 - Darktooth------------------
The most difficult opponent of all Twisted Metal, Darktooth is scary! He is very strong and loves ramming / stomping and just when you think it's over... There's one last big surprise, so remember to pause the game as there is a password so that you can go directly at him and avoid the other opponents.
-----------------4 - Anubis Rex-----------------
For the second boss of six, Pacmans Anubis Rex ranked second hardest in the whole game. The stage is a little walking trail at first but then it becomes a very dangerous multilevel platforming challenge. For other games this guy would have been a real BADASS final boss (Anubis Rex doesn't come until the end of this movie).
---------------3 - The Minotaur---------------
This guy came from GOD MODE, you would take allot of damage from him, he demands gnarly grind perfection in order to win so unless your amazingly fast with your fingers, don't try to pull off anything fancy because I'm a cautious gamer and he took 40 tries to finally kill.
---------------2 - King Galaxian---------------
The third or middle game boss of Pacman restricted you from passing, unless you destroyed him. Now I can understand how a middle game boss should be difficult, but this guy is well beyond his placing, he shouldn't be a middle boss, he shouldn't even be a final boss. This 50+ tries is one teeth grinding, temper tantrum causing, controller breaking prick he should not exist! And the damn camera still feels very stupidly placed as you've gotta dodge, shoot, and keep your eyeballs glued to what's happening as if you got to level 100 on Space Invaders! (King Galaxian doesn't come until the end of this movie).
-----------------1 - The Clones-----------------
Great GOD MODE Almighty! This boss battle is actually the second part of a three portion final boss battle. But this second part is the toughest (according to gamers) and it itself is well beyond what was before us. You must face off against a massive number of your clones, while also keeping your family from dying. The shear amount of clones you face off guarantee that you will be outnumbered all the way through it and you are gonna die allot, you'll likely not even want to play it after a while as you will lose confidence and it is a rage enduing Boss Battle as I got so damn close and I can't get past them!!!
------SUPER MARIO BROS. Deluxe------
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe is the game I have put the most effort into. I have spent at least 100 maybe 500 hours trying to get everything. Only a couple of days ago did I get every metal which also reminds me of the Super Mario Bros. For Super Players which is, between Pacman 20th Anniversary Edition the hardest game I have ever beaten. Thanks for reading.
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