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TaengtheHero Blog

Why all the Sony hate?

Hello! :D

 I just don't get it. What has Sony wrong? As far as I can tell, nothing. So the PS3 is $600. Get one now, wait and get one, or don't. If that's the only reason everyone's hating on them, that's a pretty bogus reason. If all this is just the result of a lot of X-Box and Wii *snicker*  fanboys getting more press then usual..

wait, that would never happen. the media is dedicated to bringing only the truth to veiwers. yeah, right.

what i don't get is why everyone's falling all over themselves about Nintendo's remote controller. I've tried it. I felt stupid. Looked even stupider.

i just don't get it.

I'm not dead!

Hello, everyone!

 I know it's been forever since i've been here and even longer since I've blogged. Life has a way of side-tracking you sometimes. But, hopefully i've learned a few things in my time away that will help me be a better member of Gamespot..maybe. ;)

but anyway, so many new games, and books, and movies have I..oh my! As long as my internet keeps working(again...again!) i'll be sure to let you know all the info.

see ya in the funny papers!

Ewww! What is that?!

It'sa me-a, Mario! Ok, long story short, i was lied to and unable to pick up the collector's edition of FFXII. got the regular one from Wal-Mart instead. midnight release at Gamestop my arse. anyway, the game is absolutely friggin awesome!! so much fun, haven't taken it out of my ps2 yet! Gambits should be included in more games! also bought FFIII for DS. this game owns what little FFXII left of my soul. and soon, very soon, a friend of mine shall deliver to me..every peice of final fantasy related music ever to be released. it'll prolly take up about ten cd's, and that's burning them as data disks. i think he said it's about 9 Gigs worth. Sweeeeett! also, my internet has been off since about the start of october, and still is. on parents comp right now. don't know when i can get service restored. also soon to trade my 97 mustang for a Kea jeep-thingie. much, much needed trade. besides the girl i'm interested in that lives in pennsylvania (no, not Brookey) that's about it for me. be back on when i can.

peace love and bullfrogs!

Sky Captains and Rogue Galaxies

hello! I can't wait for Rogue Galaxy! It looks like it's going to be an absolute killer game. FFXII killer? puh-lease! as if! :P but it will be a very nice companion to it.!

Mindbending RPG question

Alright, the question is this.. I know of a certain rpg, for PS2, that has voiced characters during the battles. It's combat interface is shared by only one other game. Now, in this game is a quite girl, who uses lots of magic. During one of her attacks in battle, she says the line, "Harm, come to Thee!" my question is two fold and therefore worth two points, one point for each part. - What is the name of the game, and secondly, what is the name of the attack where she says this?

The Hallowed Fantasy

Hello! :D I don't like pre-orders. never have, and I doubt I ever will. It'd be different if it actually took some off the price, but I understand why they do it. The only thing that makes it worth it at all is the swag companies include for preorders. I'm still mad that I was unable to get the Suikoden V artbook because the local Gamestop had filled up it's preslot orders the Day The Game Came In. But of course, they had some for the shelves, which I got one. and i noticed they had extra copies of the art book for some reason. did i get one, kriff, no! but anyway, i digress. But things will be different this time. I Will go up to Gamestop as soon as possible. I Will lay my $10 down. I Will look the clerk in the eye and say, "If I do not receive the Final Fantasy XII Collecters Edition on Halloween? I'm going to use your spine for a back-scratcher." that should work.

new anime

hello! I just went against everything i hate, and purchased a series right in the middle of it. It's Samurai 7, vol. 6. have yet to watch it though. i forgot it out in the car all last night. maybe if i like it, i'll hunt the rest down. beautiful packaging and artbook, by the way.


hey, does anyone know the name of the song from the Ah! My Goddess movie? y'know, the one Belledandy, Urd, and Skuld use to save Yggdrasil? It's a Very pretty song and the tune gets stuck in my head sometimes. I'd like to find either it, in mp3 form, or the words to it, so i can sing something instead of hum. and yes, it'd be in Japanese, but that didn't stop me from memorising both the opening and closing themes of both Full Metal Panic and the first season of Vandread. any help out there?

Taking a different Road

Hello! :D I'm sorry it's been so long, and I've got some things to explain, but I've been really busy lately. first off, i'm going to skip posting the second series of my story here, and just put it up on and simply add chapters as i get around to it. don't worry, if i ever make it to start book 3 of it, i'll post a notice in here. second, i'm sorry i haven't got back with you on your banner, Sammi. i feel so ashamed. I'll try to get that done for you tonight or tommorow. hopefully, you'll like it. third, almost all my time off work for the past three weeks has been spent on, reading fanfiction, writing some of my own (i've already put up about five of them, one last night), and generally socializing. that isn't to say i'm gonna abandon GS, because i've made some really good friends here (sammi, shennie, DP, Hero, Sol, and the list goes on and on and on)who i really need to staart back im'ing with. i'm just letting ya know what's up. :D