Asian or you what's the difference, they don't know when to stop and you don't know what to write on something tragic. Loss of life is still a sad thing no matter how stupid the reason, a person no longer exist in this world and that's enough reason to sit quite if you don't have anything useful to say.
Not going to say it's a paid review but no game is perfect enough to get full score, 9 or even 9.5 seems sensible sometimes but not a 10. It seems reviewer liked the game so much that he didn't looked for flaws thoroughly.
Agreed, what's the point of comparison if you are going to dump down the PC version to match the console version ? If a comparison is being done with maxed out graphics then PC should get it's own "maxed out settings" instead of ones dictated by consoles.
Looks to me they are so desperate to prove that consoles and PCs are same now.
He meant that he's not a Steam fan or say don't want them to dominate but he don't like Origin, UPlay and GFWL as competitors and probably want a better, more worthy competitor to Steam.
While it's a very difficult task to stand up and compete with Steam now since they almost took over PC DD space, I agree with op that UPlay, Origin and GFWL are not very customer friendly platforms, so far I faced more problems with them than convenience. The only DD services that is good beside Steam is GoG IMO.
The problem is this video only show the comparison between the base WorseMod and vanilla game. The game already has downgraded visuals for PC and washed out colors so if you wish to see what Ubisoft really snatched from PC in favor of those crap gen consoles then use this mod with SweetFX and see the difference yourself.
If the complaints doesn't warrant a score of 5 then the strong points also doesn't warrant a score of 9 from Kevin's review. From my point of view Kevin's review is also biased, he didn't talked about any weakness of this game nor he said anything about the lack of meaningful story, insignificant lore/character backgrounds and almost non-existent character to character relationship, yet he gave it a score of 9 ? A game can't be scored 9 just because of it's high difficulty and intelligent boss design. Specially when it's regarded as RPG game.
Then why Justin is getting such a bitter response ? just because he decided to write a new comer's opinion, even though he went a bit far and scored it quite low with 5 it doesn't mean all his points are groundless.
I too respect everyone's opinion but my problem with fans of Dark Souls is the fact that they never get ready to accept criticism. All they have to say in return is that the person who is criticizing is a noob who never played a true RPG before. I never said that Dark Souls doesn't have any good points, it does but they are not enough to declare it as an awesome game without flaws.
There is a problem with Dark Souls games that whenever someone criticize them, a whole bunch of fanboys like you appear in order to defend it with all sort of nonsensical reasons. You're saying to think objectively ? are you sure you're applying that to yourself as well ? All games have some weakness, nothing is perfect, you do believe that don't you ?
Now talking "Objectively" this game is a good action game with emphasis on patience and learning from your mistakes but it fall short on RPG mechanics. For example it lacks a solid story which in case you don't know is a strong point of RPG games. It lacks explaining basics to new comers, a good game should be welcoming to all players not just fanboys, it has bad voice acting with no facial expressions and lip movement, I find it downright funny to see a girl coughing while standing still (maybe it's like that in all soul games) but that's not something to praise about.
Having no skill tree or anything indeed makes the combat repetitive. You just have to block/attack/block/dodge and manage your stamina/HP other than that you won't learn anything new that can make gameplay different.
It only has some cheap description about items and equipment without some proper lore or anything. It doesn't even explain how the scaling and infusion of weapons work unless you refer to some guides or wikis out there.
Now if you have stomach to digest the fact that all these things make it a weak RPG game then do us and yourself a favor and stop defending it with stupid reasons like the game intentionally don't want to tell you a story, the game intentionally don't want to explain mechanics, the game intentionally don't want to welcome new comers.... give me a break.
Before you raise another argument, you should know that I have completed DS2 once and I was a new comer like the reviewer so I agree with most of his points. I am planning to play NG+ to see what's so different about it but I have given it adequate time before reaching this conclusion.
Tahir_Ahmad's comments