This is indeed a very tragic news, life is more precious than any video game in the world.... If only young ones understand this that after those painful 30 - 40 hours they won't be able to play anything ever again. Please learn from these tragic incidents and don't waste God's most beautiful gift like this.
What is the point of this article ? Apart from spoiling a complete level it does nothing but tell the obvious doesn't it ? I mean even in RPG genre which is known for its non-linearity and dynamic nature the second attempts always get easier, you know the difference between bad and good guys, you know who to trust, you also begin to learn the best choices and so on... This is the nature of video gaming you cannot make it totally dynamic or changing like real life, the first attempt is always the most thrilling and challenging one.
I have played all the titles in hitman series and trial and error is the idea they had from very beginning so this is not something new.
@Shanks_D_Chop My point is very much clear my friend that I don't think it is a "technically troubled" game. Maybe for one week yes because of enormous amount of people trying to get in but as I said before that's a special case which can occur with any online game other than that the game is working just fine... even the online part is working very well provided you have a good internet connection off course.
As for Blizzard's apology what do you want ? do you want them to say exactly the same words which you have in mind ? a "hypothetical apology" perhaps ? in my opinion that was an acceptable apology because they said that they "regret" the issues and they openly admitted that their preparations were not enough for launch. Obviously PR is important but they don't necessarily have to say "sorry" to make it a non-PR apology.
I am assuming that you are a PC gamer and have much knowledge about PC gaming then what happened to your judgement ? Do you regard this game as a "Shoddy release" ? really ? then what should we call Ubisoft PC games ?
I don't think a game which is in development for 10+ years and is a PC exclusive is a shoddy release. The Witcher 2 and Battlefield 3 are also PC time exclusive/focused games and they also faced tons of issues but are slowly getting better do you call them "technically troubled" as well ? This is the nature of PC gaming, issues will occur and they will get fixed. Blizzard took relatively less time is fixing them that is why I am appreciating their work.
You are continuously pin pointing my "viewpoint", I can also say the same for you. You are not even considering dev's perspective, the amount of QA they do with PC exclusives and do you think they wanted the launch to go like this ? after so many years of development I think they wanted a super smooth launch but their online projections were not accurate and they admitted it, these kind of issues don't signify a "technically troubled" game or a "shoddy release".
Regarding my last point, it does make difference because I am countering your statement that this game has issues that are limiting it's potential so I am saying it has the potential to run fine provided you fulfil it's requirements and I don't think we have hypothetical rigs.
@Shanks_D_Chop It is very easy to criticize someone but it is equally difficult to place yourself in their shoes and then think. Yes I appreciate Blizzard for doing their job because nowadays most devs don't even take their own job seriously let aside admitting their faults and apologizing from their fan base.
As for technical issues, in PC gaming it is almost impossible to produce a perfect game due to different hardware configurations, softwares, drivers, operating systems etc.... No matter how much time a dev put in their game (We all know how much time Blizzard put in their games don't we ?) It is still not possible to produce a perfect game and when a game becomes always online then it becomes even more difficult to predict issues, stability problems etc... that can occur.
With that said I don't think it is fair to call it a "technically troubled" game just because it faced one week of launch issues (server side mostly). The game is young and keeping that fact in mind it is quiet stable for it's age.
Also every PC game suffers from bugs/issues on some configurations, to call a game "technically troubled" just because it is suffering on some machines then every PC game will be regarded as "technically troubled". The only real trouble I faced with Diablo 3 is the Blizzard down loader crashing during download continuously other than that the game is very stable for me... I won't call it a "technically troubled" game and if it is running good on yours + my machine then it is not luck, it means the game has potential to run fine provided it gets every resource/requirement it needs.
A "technically troubled" game is something that has bugs in itself. Diablo 3 don't have any major bugs in the game, it only faced launch time issues because of enormous amount of people trying to login and play on their servers and since the game has "always online" requirement most people think that these are technical issues but in fact they are "server stability" issues and they have nothing to do with anything technical in the game, the game itself is technically very sound. All the lags, disconnections, unable to login problems are part of "server stability". And they fixed most of them within one week, I call it a great effort from Blizzard because one week of fixing time is very small for a game that has online audience as large as 6.3 Million.
Tahir_Ahmad's comments