No point in arguing with a fan boy since your answer to every question "Dark Souls is about figuring things out yourself". Lore, information, explanation and story are strong points of any RPG. They increase immersion, welcome new comers and make an otherwise shallow experience richer. Go play The Witcher games to see what I am talking about.
People like you should stop bragging about their skills in this game. Maybe you played Demon Souls or DS1 that's why you find DS2 easy ? but that's not the point. The author never said that he was scarred or not willing to learn so stop trying to judge him on your strong points as it only indicates your fanboyism towards game.
He makes a point and as new comer to DS2 I completely understand. The game lacks explanation of how many things work. If it's a deep RPG then it should also explain the stuff required to progress in it. For example as a new player where can I find detailed information about covenants without referring to guides and wikis ?
The lady who level up your character is easy to miss and a new player keep wondering why your character is not leveling, maybe you call it a challenge but I call it broken stuff and if that's not enough then the story or lore never bothers to explain what the hell is going on ? stories are strong points of RPG games and DS games lack in this area.
Still I haven't given up on this game as I can feel the rewarding experience through patience but several points of author still stand.
Do I need to remind you guys that they are comparing a new version with another version that was released one year ago and with previous console gen in mind ? The real comparison will be made when we see games like "The Witcher 3" which is in development on all next-gen platforms together.
Secondly that new face looks less expressive for some reason like there is no fear in her eyes ? but that's just my opinion.
I have seen many console gamers who start to bitch around as soon as they see some ambitious mods on PC, I have also seen them bitching for games like Diablo 3 and The Witcher then what's the problem if some PC gamers ask for a game that is console exclusive at the moment ?
The simple fact is anything which you cannot get sounds very interesting or attractive so you start asking for it, it's a common thing between both PC and console gamers, it's more visible on PC because more games are announced as console exclusives in the start.
I don't understand that if a PC gamer is asking for it then how does it affect you ? get over with it dude, it's the same old shitty way of starting a flaming war, I am tired of people always complaining about what others have to say instead of minding their own business.
They should first make their ancient CoD engine equal or at least close to current gen engines like CryEngine or FrostBite then we'll talk about next-gen.
This very same EPIC gamers were telling us that PC is good for anything but games because there is too much Piracy on it and now what ? they are saying that it is actually good for them because it shows the demand of game ? Why dude just because it's console now ? bunch of retards.
The more they try to detest PC the more they had embrace it, recent announcement of PS4 says it all. The biggest PC hater company Sony (The ones who harmed PC through their stupid shitty DRM) now using PC architecture for their so called nex-gen console.
Tahir_Ahmad's comments