lemmings who argued at the fact about Ninja gaiden sigma being a crappy port of x box game showed how sucky PS3 was.
Karma is such a great thing :)
lemmings who argued at the fact about Ninja gaiden sigma being a crappy port of x box game showed how sucky PS3 was.
Karma is such a great thing :)
"Havok 4.0 on a PS3 Cell ran comparable to a triple-core PC. Now, if Havok's PR is to be believed, multiply that by 5 to 10."
if true, kinda puts quad cores to shame
Really this isnt even plausible...
im not saying its a conspiracy. I'm merely suggesting it as a possible freaking buisness plan sony might be following. I'm option to suggestions to me this seems like a possiblity as to why sony is doing what its doing with the ps3. If all you can contribute is something retarded like that because you can't think of any reasons apart from fanboyish "cuz teh 360 roxorz and ps3 sucks" then please, don't take pictures of yourself with a tin foil hat on to try and justify your existence in the world and run damage control.
:)They didn't do it on purpose, but officially PS3 hsa the best upcoming launch for the next few years. :lol:Adrian_Cloud
Ok i dont think i explained myself well, this is kinda what i was saying
They put out the kinda lame ps3 launch just so the blu ray's kinda got into the consumer base and they started to outsell the HD DVD. They were never sacrificing their gamer base at all. They knew that they had a truely amazing release schedule from the start for the next few years with some fantastic games coming out, which will only be better with the Havok 4.5 engine now done making develepmont easier on the cell.
They knew the line up was going to be strong over the years so they released the ps3 with only a few decent games with hardly any coming out for a while till the strong release schedule started, just so they could establish themselves as the leading future format in sales on a weekly basis.
there strategy wasn't too lose their game base or appear arrogant. For some reason the Sony retard speakers started acting like that for some reason seriously stupid. They planned to release a few months before there strong schedule for the next few years began so that people, would buy the console for resistance and then when bored, begin buying lots of Blu Ray movies to justify their buy, getting the market moving. Although everyone see's it as failing at the moment, it's actually quite an ingenius buisness plan and if works, Sony will dominate again,
no they didn't tell up to put them out crappy, thats just because of the fact that they aren't used to the architecture and dev kits had only been fully out properly since around christmas 2005, early spring 2006 and not just the demo dev kits and the fact that developers really don't have enough of them.
I just think it explains the reason why there has been such a small amount of games released
i think its a buisness strategy which is why they currently aren't stressing out so much.
Hear me out here as i know this a bit far fetched but i think sony planned the whole bad game line up and that there buisness strategy is working perfectly, which is why they are still so smug.
I think the reason that they aren't worried at the moment is because the fact was they meant to release the PS3 as it did, with only 1 really good game and not much else. They did this as a buisness strategy to get Blu Ray up and running, establishing the movie said as the next format first and having the games later.
As you know PS3 sold out at launch and has put hundreds of thousands of Blu Ray players with the PS3. Yes there aren't many games so once people started getting bored they looked to its other features, the Blu Ray movie player. People, realising that not really much of a gaming side to it probably started buying Blu Ray's so they could use their newly bought $600 PS3 to justify to themselves they made a good investment. As sources say (link will be here once i find it again) Ps3 Owners have something like 6 Blu ray discs on average per console or something like that and as we all know, Blu Ray is now getting up quite a strong following and foothold in the next format war, currently giving HD DVD quite a battering, although they still haven't beaten HD DVD's entire amount of sales.... yet.
So, did sony plan to release the PS3 with no games so that they could get the heads up with the Blu Ray market, having a big installed user base of Blu Ray players to get the Blu Ray movies being bought since there were so few games to play on the PS3 as of this moment, thus establishing Blu Ray as the dominant format and therefore making everyone using the Blu Ray discs for games so that developers would flock to them?!
Basaically im saying that Sony, gave up a lot in the short term such as exclusives and worrying the Developers across the globe and to start jumping ship, so they could get people to instead of not doing anything, but justify there expensive buys by buying Blu Ray movies to keep them occupied as they waited for games, thus getting the Blu ray train going to where it is now against HD DVD. This would give benefits in the long run such as people who have a ps3 really loving it and spreading its goodness by word of mouth, leading to people when the games come buying the PS3 for the dual buy of Blu Ray Player, games console so that it then re establishes its dominance again this generation, all the old exclusives and developers will go back to them and possibly even more?!
It's just a thought of mine that the whole bad launch line up and looking of games for a WHILE was all planned to get the Blu ray base installed for future success down the road.
I still don't get why you Lemmings are hyping Mass Effect.
Yes the graphics are amazing no doubt but again, graphics don't make a game. Especially when the games like, main innovative feature is the improved chat. Wow, just because i tell someone the style of which to reply and they don't actually say the exact line of words i selected is amazing. Truely next generation!! /sarcasm
it will flop just like flop planet from the hype view.
Motorstorm will be a good game but will flop on the hype, flop planet is just going to be one big flop of floppness.
seriously, i see next year as the year of the flop.
wii will flop
ps3 will flop
x box 360 will flop
PC may have less chance than flop
all because gears of war got game of the year here and did so well, it will now be ok for companies to ship out games with just awesome graphics and ok gameplay and last 6 - 10 hours long in single player.
gaming i think will take a dive this year
X files on PC.
it was scary because i was 8 at the time
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