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Tailscoolio Blog


Yeah, umm.............. when was the last time i was online? because its been a very long time since i was here D: But i missed you guys anyway!

Also: I don't have any kind of clue as to why my last blog entry just said "Egh". Maybe i was having an off day or something. Aaaaaaaanyway, how have you all been?

Am i getting the bad ending now?

Hehe, just found out that there are multiple endings for Valkyrie profile, but i was wondering if you guys could help me before i have to go off and cheat to find one of them.

I've killed the Twins (Add honey, to that if you want comical effect) but no-one else, because i'm a good boy and all, and i really hated those little devil spawn children. If i don't kill anyone else, is it possible to get the best ending? or even one of the better endings?

Tomb raider never was this much fun...

Tomb raider: underworld has rekindled my love affair with the series. I remember when it was okay for about 5 minutes, but after you'd found out how to swerve the camera to look at Lara's boobs the game just went downhill. But Underworld is really nice, even if the loose camera and controls let it down a bit, and i'm stuck because the game has suddenly decided to do a permanent glitch D:

...Its still guud :P

Also; i gor silent hill 4 again, now i just need a hard drive to play it with XD

It also made me think about scare factor, i've come to the conclusion that the more realistic or logical a game is; the less scary it is. I believe we really do get scared from the unknown a little too much...

Example: Resident evil 1, very scary, bad movement controls and you're all alone. Its night time, and very dark, when music plays you know something is coming but you don't know what.

Resident evil 2 and 3: Less scary, more open spaces, better movement, not quite as dark and most importantly...

...they have stronger storylines, we know all about umbrella by this point and suddenly its all less scary. We know the zombies were created through science, not just some random event, and it all becomes easier to deal with...

...And lets not even think about resi. 4 and 5 shall we?

I also bought Valkerie profile: covenent of the plume, Eternal Sonata (Epic), Tomb raider: underworld, and Puzzle quest on Wii......... DON'T BUY IT! GET THE DS VERSION, IT DOESN'T HURT YOUR BRAAAAAAAAAAIIIN! D:

Oh, and finally; hello all!


What a weird title eh?

Anyhoo, just an update saying i'm still alive! XD

Uhh, rented Assasin's creed, bought sega mega collection thingie (FINALLY!) and Resi. 5 is still just as awesome as it was when i bought it, the replay value is spectacular.

But meh, i feel lost, none of the games i've been waiting for for over a year are out yet! Seriously, why do they delay the games i like!? i'd say its bad luck but i'm wondering whether or not i believe in luck :|

OOH, OOH, a Resi. advert is on as i type! yay!

Speaking of which, the new resi. game, which will be within the umbrella chronicles stylings, looks quite good. Its about no.2 and that makes sense since they missed that one out in umbrella chronicles... any-hoo, have a nice day everyone... :D

Well yay, i avoided April fool's day...

I woke up at like, 1 o' clock so i missed a lot of the stuff, but it doesn't seem to be as good as last year. Remember the LOZ film trailer? that was a good one, and of course there were a lot more "I'm leaving forever" blog's. They weren't that original, and quite annoying, but at least they were there, what about this year? There really wasn't much input from you guys, so i'll just have to make sure you try harder next year. *hits everyone with rubber hammer until submission*

Also, i got Silent hill: homecoming.

Aww, i need moneeeeey!

I really want Final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of time........ Oww, that hurts the ol' fingers .........And although i could probably go into town tommorrow and buy it myself, for myself, i'm more of a multiplayer fanatic. And my cousins (whom live quite close and bought the old CC) don't have it yet...

They bought the last one after seeing me playing it on my DS, it was quite fun. We also played the original CC game and loved it (yeah, thats not a typo). Personally i think it would be great being ported to the wii (but much better... pleeeeaaaasse!)

Anyways, tommorrow, like i said, i will be able to buy it for myself, but should i try to trade some games so that we can all play together? or just wait and hope they decide to buy it themselves because it should be awesome?

If you don't know already, Echoes of time is the first DS game to be able to play with the wii in live version play. Instead of just sending things (like pokemon) from the DS to the wii, you can play together despite which system you're playing on. In actual time, and with different pros and cons for each system.

The pro's and con's are: Wii:

+ Bigger screen.

+ Ability to use motion contols without having to stop using normal controls

+ More content (i presume)

- Bad graphics

- Both screens projected onto one screen


+ Two screens

+ Good Graphics

+ Touch controls are easier to use

+ Portable

- Less content (i presume)

- Smaller screens

But i'm still getting the DS version..... phew, longest blog yet :D

Resident evil 5, of course its epic.

Well, Resident evil 5. For any fans, know this: you have to get it :3

Its brilliant but not scary. Its hard to make a multiplayer 3D game with extremely good controls scary, but it doesn't really matter because games need to evolve and Resident evil has evolved into a success juggernaut that now relies more on gameplay than scaring the pants off of people.

I'm glad they made it multiplayer, i love those, and the amount of teamwork needed is truly amazing. I know that FF:CC tried to make it all about teamwork, but maybe they should have just taken a bit of inspiration from Resi. 5 (or Left 4 dead by the way).

Anyway, i can't be arsed to do a review, so this is all your getting............. just know that its definately worth the money.

sadasfdfefcsdcvd... I'M FRICKIN PSYCHIC!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously tho'. Today, i decided to play on resident evil 2, because i felt like it and resident evil 5 will be coming out this week. I'd never really played Resi. 2 properly, and the freakiest thing happened to me:

In the police station, there is a safe, which requires a combination.......... i didn't know the combination, but i was just fooling around because my cousin's were there... So, i jokily put in some random numbers: 2236....... AND IT F-ING OPENED! first time, i didn't know what the combination was and i'd never known before in my life...

It just creeped me out that i did it first time. And my cousin's thought i was lying when i said i didn't know the combination when i put it in :S

But still... maybe i am becoming psychic? because i just seem to know things lately, and i'm creeping other people out...

This should be obvious...

...But i'll ask anyway :D Should i buy Chrono trigger, for myself and multiplayer value of playing with someone i know who already has it... Or should i buy house of the dead: overkill, to be able to multiplayer anytime i want because only one person needs the game? I know people would scream the answer to me on a forum, so i'll ask you like-minded people for your opinion please :)