I've tried to upload a new banner but it won't come up right now :(
Yeah, so, looking for Sho minamimoto quotes to put on my sig. But did i spell Sine properly?
I've tried to upload a new banner but it won't come up right now :(
Yeah, so, looking for Sho minamimoto quotes to put on my sig. But did i spell Sine properly?
Did i come onto the wrong site? I'm sure that it didn't used to say Gamespot UK before, oh well, the site looks better than ever! But i'll still have trouble getting around the new (and improved?) gamespot.
But.......since i last logged on i bought a PSP, so expect me to be posting on those forums now, and i've noticed that i only ever seem to get one comment for each blog i do. Oh well, thanks for the comments macrules_640, i'll try to comment yours more from now on.
Its been ages since i've actually gone into a game shop and known what i wanted to buy beforehand :( why are the good games taking so long? and why is america getting games like Dementium: the ward, or etrian odyssey 2 while England is missing out?
Oh well, the longer you wait for something the more you enjoy it right? i just hope FF4 DS and The Force unleashed are worth it...
A couple of days ago, i went into blockbuster to see if they had any wii points cards, what i found amazed me, i went round to the DVD collection and found... Bloodrayne! (Dun dun dun!!!) if you don't know what Bloodrayne is then you don't care, but basically its about this half-vampire who wants to kill her father and his children for murdering her mother.
I didn't even have to read the title to know what it was, the woman on the front looked like she'd recently dyed her hair red, bought a prostetute leather looking outfit thingy, and had a fetish for big knives. Overall, she looked a lot like Rayne (the main character) but of course, she was real, and making a film based on a game just doesn't work.
So i looked at the back just to measure how S*** it actually was. I was actually offended by the sheer idiocy of it. Please, if you see this movie, know that its actually a movie-game tie in; so take caution!
Most people who get brawl go online because playing against computer controlled characters isn't really that fun. Sometimes, i play in matches, (with a dodgy internet connection) and sometimes i'll just spectate.
When i do spectate i always put 100 coins on whoever i like best from the group, but why do the characters i pick always jump into a little hole and taunt all the time!? Seriously, what is that? the "be a coward and not have fun" tactic?
At first i just thought that these people don't really care about winning, as long as they don't lose, but then i noticed that if someone plays like that then how are they meant to be having fun?
If you're reading this and you always run from players online, then please stop, you're supposed to get stuck in, not cower behind a wall that doesn't give you any protection!
If you're going to go online then you probably have you own tactics on how to win, but just to let you know, running away is one of those tactics where you never win...
Over at youtube there's a lot of controversy over who the 14th member is, some people have decided to be idiots and are making farfetched presumptions. Well, i guess i'd better say what i think too; its Namine. Not too many people are thinking about it so i hope i'm right. and why? because...
Namine is the only nobody we've ever seen that wasn't in org. XII, and i also think that they didn't change to org. XIV because they were ashamed of Namine (she doesn't look like she could hurt a fly) and so she became that "shy and obedient servent" figure to the rest of the organization.
I think it makes sense, if anyone thinks differently then i'd love to hear your opinion... :D
Yeah, so i got my hair cut earlier -nothing much, just a trim- and now its been cut too short. I know it'll grow back to a length reasonably well fashioned by the end of the easter holidays but i can't just stay inside for ages 'cause i'll be missing out on some great gaming oppurtunities (Ring of fates (tommorow)).
but beside hiding my face from humanity 'cause i'm a vain b****** i don't really have anything else wrong going on right now so i guess i should probably learn to complain a lot less... Anyway, how have you guys been? good i hope?
i haven't a cup of hot cocoa in about 2 years and i gottsa say; it is sweeeeeet! :)
After listening to the weather forecast i know know that tommorow i won't be going outside as it will be pouring rain for the most of the day, but hey, just more time speaking to some of you guys right? But of course i can't expect to sit here for hours on end (then again...) so if i'm not here tomorrow then have a nice day anyway.
yeah, i recently looked into this game and it looks pretty cool, i'm not just talking about the battle system, i like the idea of the plot unlike some of you impatient people who just don't seem to take any interest in anything other than hacking at monsters.
oh and i don't really need help on FF10 but i'd like it if some people commented on what good spells/abilities/items they think i should get, please, thankyou... :D
I just wondered... what time is it in different continents right now?
And of course then i thought that a lot of you would like to know the same thing... sooooooooooooooooo...
THE TIME IS: 19:44 right now
(and i'm british)
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