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Tailscoolio Blog

Valentines day

Well, not many people seem to be in the mood for valentines. Show me the love people! But its quite a nice day, and i think i'll be happy when it comes around... Sadly though, some people are getting a bit depressed by it.

Valentines day isn't just about relationships though! Its about love altogether :D so don't be sad, get into a love mood!

Oh and sorry for not being on that often.

Gamespot needs to improve... in a good way

I remember the old layout, i never really thought there was much wrong with it, and now that they've changed it i've got to say that i don't think its too much better...

When i say this, its because i have my own ideas of what can be imporved with gamespot... I'd like them to speed things up, mainly by taking out unneccessary things from the pages, such as the stuff right at the bottom of the page... it states the updates you can see on the main page, and as i've already seen them, i think its useless putting the links at the bottom.

Or the "Recent ratings" list, which should be taken out because if they're going to put that up there, then they might as well put all my forum entries, reviews, messages and blogs with that list... Which of course would be stupid...

Any-hoo, the reason i'm saying this is because gamespot has so much unneccessary stuff on the pages, and that makes it take much longer to load, which de-motivates people to look around because they know they're going to get uber-load fail.

Please Gamespot! Don't put so much stupid stuff on the pages, let the loading times be shorter! D:

Naruto episode 1 down!

Well, i got my arse in gear and finally watched an episode of Naruto! Thats one down! and a hellava lot more to go!

I noticed that by watching about five different versions of the first episode loads of people like to cut off big chunks of the ending, but i finally found one that had the full ending... it was nice, and i think i'm going to carry on watching more episodes...

Speaking of which, i kinda gave up on Bleach ages ago and i'm thinking of carrying on watching that too... Wish me luck, my attention span is short :D

Display picture ideas

I'm not talking about my gamespot picture, 'cause thats the bee's knees! :D I want a new DA picture, and since i don't have a scanner i want a temporary display picture until i can upload the one i want...

So i'd like some suggestions, something that shows that i'm an avid gamer, but still love art... I know i should be on DA blogging this, but i haven't blogged here in a while and i'd really like to find out what a good gamer picture is from the experts (you guys)...


Get out the old playstation!

well, today i decided to play on a few old playstation games. Some of you may have noticed that i'm younger than most of you... Instead of growing up with the older consoles like the NES and such; i grew up on the Sega megadrive, and then on the playstation throught my youth.

As i don't have the Sega, i decided to play some playstation games, which for some reason don't save on my PS2. But i'd just like to take this time to mention a game i've been playing for the last 3 hours (est.)

Heart of darkness; a game that was largely underappreciated at the time, has got to be one of the best playstation games i've ever played (aside from the Resident evil games). If you ever see it in a bargain bin, garage sale etc. i suggest you buy it because otherwise noone will have played it but me *cries*.

I'd also like to ask; how naive are you? on a scale of 1 to 10 that is... the reason i ask this is that i don't really have much knowledge on spammers, trolls, flamers and all the rest. I seem to be a 10 when it comes to being naive. Which is kinda sad, since i love doing the right thing, and i love haveing a nice fight even more...

oh well, have a nice day everyone!

Happy new year!

Yeah well, its 2009 here, don't know if it is wherever you are but HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Anyhoo, i had an accident with my keyboard! or rather, my hamster did... I didn't know she was that hungry! anyway, i let her go around the place out of her ball and she stumbled onto my keyboard... (yeah i wanted to keep her close so she didn't have an accident)...

Then she started chewing on my "T" button! and she ripped it off!

It made me laugh, i didn't know a hamster could do that... then again, i didn't know a hamster could climb the stairs, but mine can! :P

Oh yeah, more important stuff: its the new year, it was recently christmas, and now that they've ended people might go through a depressional stage... please don't. Its all because most people won't have anything exciting to look forward to for a long while...

So do stuff! and remember that 2009 will be a great year for games! so look forward to that! :D

- TC

Merry christmas!

Yay! its finally here!

I hope you all got nice presents; i know i did XD

What i got: An x-box 360, yay, thats the best one, Uh... a keyboard, which i'm gonna use to learn how to play "Hikari". I also got some games... *grumblemumble* and one of them got broken by my idiot brother! i hate him sooo much...

uh... But i've been having fun just watching Wallace and Gromit and-- BUNNY SANCTUARY!... *cough* ahem, sorry about that but i love this movie... too bad it just ended...

But its so sad that Christmas is only one day y'know? 'cause its fun, not the presents, the actual day just seems so much more fun...

So merry christmas! now i'm off to read everyone else's blogs... :P

Suspence and stupidity

I got myself suspended the other day because i was being stupid on the forums. I also noticed something as well but i can't remember what the hell it was oh well.

Hi, i'm back

Edit: I remembered what i noticed. I was stupid again because the other day i noticed that christmas was on Thursday, NOT FRIDAY LOL! XD

I seem to have lost my sig...

If anyone remembers the sig i had with the picture of Vivi that said: "You are Vivi. Naive and curious" Then You may be affected when i tell you that i've lost it :(

Yeah thats right, i saved it so that i could remember it but now i've lost the notepad file. Soooooo, instead, i've decided to change my display picture to Vivi so that people can relate me to that picture without me having to re-do the test and hope that i get the same results...

Not to mention i get to keep my current sig... Which noone has decided to respond too...

But anyhoo... I've written a review recently, it was fun but i know that i always forget something and then i decide that it wasn't a really good review to begin with...

I was also wondering whether anyone was could advise me on something; i have a DA account, does anyone think it would be a good idea to post a few Deviations here or is that a little too spammy?

My 50th birthday!

Nah, just kidding, i've got a loooooonnnngggggg time to wait before i can say that and mean it. But nevertheless, i have the mind of an old man. Why? Because i'm way to mature for my age.

Warning: Contains stereotypes in which may not be true to any degree, please don't be offended by these comments because i know that old people aren't all like this.

1) I like gardening, painting, and sleeping. And old people love those things, especially the last one...

2) I like scrabble for gods sake! And apparently no-one else likes it as much as i do. I also like Chess, once again, i'm alone in that statement...

3) I complain way too much, not that that means young people don't complain much, but when people get to a certain age, they begin with the "back in my day" speech...

4) I don't do drugs or alcohol, because i know that in 20 years time its going to affect my health and looks. Have you ever seen an old person take drugs? i haven't...

5) And finally, I like it when people talk to me. That may confuze you because i'm a listener; I don't take it forgranted when someone talks to me and is trying to be nice!