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Tailscoolio Blog

Ok fine whatever!

I haven't written a blog entry for a while so i thought that i'd write one for the hell of it...

I still haven't got a wii, and i don't have enough money for one, i'm not really at all rich so i'm going to have to wait until at least January! it's just so sad :cry:

Ok fine whatever!

I haven't written a blog entry for a while so i thought that i'd write one for the hell of it...

I still haven't got a wii, and i don't have enough money for one, i'm not really at all rich so i'm going to have to wait until at least January! it's just so sad :cry:

Ok whatever!

I haven't written a blog entry for a while so i thought that i'd write one for the hell of it...

I still haven't got a wii, and i don't have enough money for one, i'm not really at all rich so i'm going to have to wait until at least January! it's just so sad :cry:

Wooo wooooo

Hello again! it's been a while since i last wrote in but i've been pre-occupied playing on:

Dr.Kawashima's brain training,

Lost magic,


Cold fear

and house of the dead three!!!


Hello! i've completed eternal darkness, three times, now and gotten lostmagic (YAY) but i still crave more, more hahahah

So m' thinkin' bout xbox games now!!!


Blagh!, i'm bored.

Isn't there anything to do?

A new game would cheer me up but i haven't got enough money, plus the one's i want aren't out yet.

How do you keep a stupid person occupied?                     Look down.

Howdo you keep a stupid person occupied?                        Look up.

What's the difference between a blind man and a constipated owl?

One shoots but can't hit                                                                                                   The other hoots but can't S***

If you can read this then you've scrolled too far!


Oh no, oh no i decided to play on my consoles for the week-end with no computer, and when i come on today, geuss what, geuss F****** what?

All my blog entries have gone so have my forum entries,The computer is reacting really slow and messing up the pages, and i haven't gotten ONE of those e-mail thingies updating me on whats happening in the gaming world from gamespot!

Something very wierd is going on i tell you something very wierd!

My mission

I now have a mission! to regain the games that i've sold and have regreted,:P and no that doesn't include Any of the resident evil games,Although i am thinking about Resi. 4:evil:


I've had so many games and some of them i wish i hadn't sold like eternal darkness, i hadn't even gotten far on that, or sonic heroes,sure i completed it but there was so much i hadn't done(like getting an A on all the missions)

Although i'm not gonna complain about selling Resident evil X that was boring, and repetitive

But i do have sorrow for Legacy of kain:Redemption (or at least i think that's what it was called!),also another uncompleted game, if i'm unsure of whether to sell a game i think i should keep it for a while and think about how much i'd miss it if i did.