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TaintedSaint666 Blog

Dragged out Halo:Combat Evolved, thinking of doing a video blog.

I dug out my copy of Halo:Combat Evolved last night to finally do it on Legendary. I'd forgotten how brilliant and intense Halo 1 had been when I played it before. I'd go as far to say it's the best Halo and possibly one of the best I'd ever played.

In other news, I'm thinking of doing a video blog, that is all.



Prototype delayed, is the world against me or somthin'?

I'm beginning to think the whole Universe of devs hate me or something, every game that I wanted this year has been delayed, SW:The Force Unleashed, Fable 2 and now Prototype! Why do you keep doing this to me?! I know that 'You want to make the game as good as possible' and 'polish it up', but if you keep delaying a game, people will merely lose interest. I'm just praying that Civilization:Revolution doesn't get pushed back (Due for release June 6th)

Release dates mean nothing these day, they're merely words to make the public interested, and right now, I'm pissed.

On a lighter note, I purchased the Halo prequels novel, Fall of Reach. I haven't read it much, but hey, it's got a nice front cover.



I will not be purchasing GTAIV (And proud of it!)

This is just to tell everyone that there is one person left in the world that doesn't want to spend money on GTAIV. That's not to say that I won't borrow from someone, I'm just not going to spend 40 quid on it. To be honest, games like GTA have never appealed to me, rather than play a gang game, I'd watch Scarface or The Sopranos (Great movie/programme)

Anyway, I got Saints Row because it was a fiver along with DeadRising, so it all worked out in the end. :)




My new favourite band.

I officially love P.O.D! I never thought I liked rap-metal or rap-rock (apart from Rage Against the Machine) but I love the way they belend it together so seamlessly, so I'm gonna get as many of their songs as possible.

I saw 21 today, I loved it, really good story, great acting. Brilliant.

That's it :/



Slipknot induced headache. :/

Remember those headphones? Well I bought the Slipknot albums Iowa, Vol.3 and Slipknot. They're very good, very different. Anyway I've been blasting my brain to shreds all day with the albums. I now have a headache that looks like it's gonna last well over a week. In fact the only way I can cure it is put Slipknot on at full blast again, which kind of defeats the object, right?

Anyway, aside from the splitting pain on my temple, it's a strike day tomorrow for the NUT (National Teacher Union). Which means I get the day off. Not complaining.

By the way, have any of you seen I Am Legend? Is it any good? Scary or not?




I completed Mass Effect and I got new headphones!

Indeed, I got new headphones, proper ones. Currently I'm blowing my brains out with Marilyn Manson and I like it!

Anyway, I finihed Mass Effect, I fount it rather short, Maybe cause I focused on the main quest rather doing any side-missions.

I've also discovered something veeeery important. You all need to know this......

LimeWire is safe, D:

(As long as you put your firewalls up.)




Finally started Mass Effect, thinking of making a Union.

It's been a long time coming, but I finally made a start on Mass Effect, which I'm quite enjoying. I'm currently on Feros. My character is a level 19 soldier and my preferred squad is Ashley and Wrex.

In other news, I'm thinking of starting a Union, not sure what on yet, but thinking about it,

Short one today, Later.



Finished Episode 2, oh the agony.

Like I said, I've completed Episode Two, oh the agony of a cliff hanger. I'm left watching Alyx sob over the death of Eli, is that it? I'm currently bouncing til' Episode Three is released, and right now the only unfinished FPS I have is Halo 3, and I really can't be bothered to trudge through the half-arsed campaign.

So, to satisfy my thirst for killing aliens and a neck-deep storyline I've dusted off that old relic, Mass Effect, why? Shouldn't I have completed it I hear you cry. No! Because, I'm ashamed to say, I got stuck quite early on and moved onto Two Worlds. Anyway, I've gotten past the part I was stuck on and I'm now riding round in circles on the Mako.

That's it for now, I'm gonna go and find out when Episode Three comes out.




Finished Dark Messiah, Kane & Lynch wasn't THAT bad.

I finished Dark Messiah as a warrior. The eneding was quite lackluster. I killed Leanna, Xana never got naked and I never ruled the earth. All in all it was a disapointing ending to a great game. I'm just about halfway through as an assassin and a bit further as a mage. The mage is so cool, there's the fireball spell which I love, and then there's freeze which is so funy when you cast it on the ground and watch them slide off a cliff.

In other news I'm ashamed to say that I was a little wrong about Kane&Lynch. It's not all that awful, it's actually quite fun now, I really like the multiplayer, except for the fact that it seems like only black people and black people wannabes play it. I'm currently on the Havana part, there's not much strategy to it but who cares? But I still it was wrong how Jeff was fired because of this game.




Dark Messiah is not Oblivion!

Hacked off today. Been reading some very unfair reviews of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic-Elements. One os them I read said 'It's no Oblivion'. That is because it's a completely different game that bears no resemblance to Oblivion! On that basis, we can compare the like of Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4 and even Super Smash Bros!

Oblivion was an awesome game, and so are all that were mentioned above, however, it's unfair to compare every game with a sword and/or level system to Oblivion which is merely setting it up to fail!

Secondly, the review on Gamespot says that 'it has no roleplaying depth at all'. That is because it isn't a roleplaying game! And as for 'dull, mindless and repetitive combat', your precious Oblivion was merely a moronic button masher at time. Honestly, I'm not saying Dark Messiah is better than Oblivion, it isn't, but the combat system is waaaaaay superior.

It seems to me that most of the reviewers played Dark Messiah for an hour, maybe less. Sure, the graphics aren't super HD photo realistic down to the last freckle and pimple, but they are decent, and anyone that marks a game down for that is very sad indeed..

In conclusion, Dark Messiah is a good game, maybe not the best, but a good one. Any comparisons to Oblivion are completely non-existent.

Very Angry Person signing off.



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