@phr0ggi You could say that being offended is your choice. It's an interesting argument, one heard more in gaming than any other debate (no one tells you to just not care about abortions, for example). But if a stranger comes in your face and calls you names, is it your fault that you're offended? Because, to clarify, that's what this marketing does; it is a personal insult to gamers, saying "we think you guys like mutilated and unrealistic girl's bodies". And many of us do not, in fact, enjoy that.
@Tsuchikage The reason people would have been less offended by a male one is that much of the outrage on this is what it says about the people it markets to. If it were a man's torso, the misogynism and sexism aspects wouldn't exist. There is already a stereotype (if unfounded) that games are sexist; the femaleness serves to say that the marketers think gamers are that way.
TaoranPrince's comments