@June-GS @Kevin-V The video producer wasn't available to produce one; his wife is having a baby today. At least, that's how Kevin responded further down in the comments.
@Kevin-V @ChandlerUSMC Nice! Tell them that a random weirdo on the internet gives them congratulations. :D
I own three of these games.... But not the winner. xD (Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Max Payne 3)Oh well, I only skipped Halo 4 because I already have Reach. :)
@LE5LO I always found myself with way too many souls, actually. Though I was kinda level-paranoid due to how the PvP works...
I gotta go with Mass Effect on this one. And since it and Last Story are the ones that scored 9.0 on this list, could be a good bet.
TaoranPrince's comments