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Teenaged Blog

Tagged again...

Well I have been tagged again. Dont remember by whom. I think it was Chessmaster. Not sure. Anyway...

So I'll post 5 facts and then I just wont tag anyone cause I am bored to spread this. :P

1. My first GS moderation was for calling Crushmaster a phallocrat. Just moderation, but I would never withdraw that statement. No regrets for this one.

2. I love chocolate.

3. I have won 3 or 4 medals in various track games/competitions. One was I remember for 2nd place in a 2km endurance race. Not sure about the others.

4. My two favourite bands are Scorpions and The Smashing Pumpkins. Also when I was younger I used to listen to mainstream music all the time (well Scorpions and SP are mainstream to a certain extend but I am talking about poppy music you listen on the radio). I dont regret it nor do I feel that I shouldnt have or whatever.

5. I am afraid of Scissorhands.

Done. :)

My New Speakers!!!!!!

Gamespot. Hey Gamespot. Hey hey Gamespot....


Look what I finally got.....









MY NEW SPEAKERS!!! They are awesome. I am already using them and I am sure the whole block can hear me!!!! :D

Thats all. Bye. :D

Exams and stuff...

Hi everyone. :)

Exams have started for me for a week now and I really hate it. Before that I went to check what cIasses I passed the last semester's exams - the second semester of the year that just ended. I had given 3 lessons and I passed one with a grade of 7/10. The lessons was Linguistics. I wasnt disappointed by the not so high grade because I studied for just a couple of days and by studying I mean reading the book just to understand basic things. I didnt sit down to memorise anything.


So far in the exams I gave Latin Literature and Linguistics of the first semester (the exams of september are there for students to try again on lessons they didnt make it in the normal a and b semesters of the year).

In Latin I am sure I wont be successful because I didnt manage to memorise the translation of the taught text and didnt manage to read a lot of pages from the stuff we had to study. It surprised me though that I could adequately translate the un-taught text. In both Latin and Ancient Greek one exercise is to give you a text (Latin or Ancient Greek respectively) that you have never encountered and was never taught in cIass, for you to translate it. I have always been good in the Ancient Greek one but had never done it with Latin, but it wasnt very difficult. Nonetheless my grade will be very low anyway. :P :(

As for linguistics, it was a very interesting lesson. It was specifically about the basics of Linguistics, such as the history of this specific science field, basic terminology and notions, innovation throughout the the last 2-3 centuries it exists etc etc.

The weird thing is that of course I didnt manage to cover all the stuff we had to study so there was this question that was very simple and was asking whether for Linguistics, oral speach or written speach is held as most important and why. I'll let you guess. ;)

And of course I hadnt managed to read about this. I had an idea of what to write based on my judgement and what I thought of the subject but I hesitated to write it down and it turns out that was exactly the correct answer: what my judgement told me to write. :(



Change of subject....

The weather here is starting to get much colder than it was and it feels like summer is already gone. :( I dont know how to feel. I am more in the mood to go to university this year but of course (as always) I cant stop constantly thinking...



good luck to everyone with their school/college/university/jobs and life in general. :)

Trolling is an Art: Follow-up

So unfortunately for me (and my patience and my nervous system in general), the troll with which I had a "civilised" convo, responded again. ( :( ) If you havent read the beginning of our discussion you should go read my previous blog NAO!


Anyway, this guy responds to me again. This time even worse than before. Anyway I wont go on describing; you'll see for yourselves.


The same warning as before. Nothing is made up, as I am copying and pasting everything "as is" from my inbox and outbox.

If there are curse words I'll censor them, but other offensive opinions cant be censored but always bear in mind that these are the words of a troll.

And of course this time, because I had even less patience with him, I was a bit of a troll too, so I expressed some wrong opinions about several things just to piss him off; especially in my very final response to him. So be aware that I have nothing against America's youth or whatever.

Here it goes...



You are obviously a homosexual and an abomination in front of God, so i will let God judge you for that. It is very obvious you are so mad that you are gay and you dont want to hear the truth. Being gay is a disease, and a disease that spreads throughout a country who becomes corrupt with sin. You can cry about it all you want but you are wrong and God is right.

Isnt being Gay biased? LOL

He also sent me this seconds after the above:

The United States Constitution is designed only for a moral and religous people. None other is fit for this kind of government."

John Adams

You would have to be American to understand this.


Did it take you so long to come back with this kind of rebuttal?

Look, I am not gonna respond to petty offenses.

It is very obvious that you have lied in everything you said: I doubt you major in anything. In fact I believe you mustn't have graduated High School, as your educational level seems to be very low.

In the civilised world we are living, who is right or wrong is judged by logic and logic alone. As I have mentioned before you have failed to meet these standards, and thus your opinion doesnt hold any accuracy or validity.

As for your other message you sent me, have you ever heard of separation of Church and State? Thats right, you must have heard it. As for constitutional rights in general, I doubt you have any idea what constitutes a constitutional right and that is fairly obvious from your mindset.


You wrote about three paragraphs and never answered my question.... LOL

You are once again, obviously Gay and are biased because you do not want to confront your sins. Get on your knees and pray to God that he may take the sickness out of you and heal you. Your Sexual pain and confusion comes from a lack of faith in God, therefore you were cursed with Homosexuality. Even if it's been with you your whole life. Just ask Jesus for forgiveness and have the faith to ask him to heal you and your life will be changed.

I hope you pray to God about this.


Since you need an answer so much, I'll give it to you. And I will answer with a question.

Isnt an intransigent, back-wards thinking Christian fundamentalist, biased?
Short answer: Yes.

Three paragraphs? Well I am very sorry for making you read so much. I should first think that in Junior High they give you a lot of assignments. Sorry for wasting your time.

I will say it for the last time as I do not seek to ridicule you further, by giving you ground once again to deploy your biased and unfounded beliefs.

People who cant meet simple standards such as logicality, coherence and a relatively adequate level of substanciation are not in the position to teach ANYBODY, ANYTHING.
Not to mention provide with moral advice, after they have resorted to insulting without the opposition ever giving them the right to do so.

I will not go on about answering to every one of your premises, because quite frankly they are a bunch of non-sequitors - much like your whole argumentation anyway.

So as a closing paragraph, I will advice you (for future help) to actually study what you claim and not lie to people that you major in History. Thats dishonest and against the commandments of your God.


I thought so.

May God have mercy on your soul.


I am glad we had an interesting discussion.

I sure learnt a hole bunch of ......good things about America's youth and Christian fundamentalism in general.

Fairwell. :)


I am really starting to think that behind this troll's monitor stood a 13-14 year-old boy that parroted what he was taught and I hope that by the time he will mature, he will have reached better conclusions about things in general.

It is a safe conclusion that indeed like some of you said, he doesnt doesnt major in History as he didnt even feel like defending himself on that. And generally the way he gave up gave me the impression he must be really young or really stupid (not metaphorically).


Btw... the pink part almost made laugh. :P

Trolling is an Art

Yes it is ladies and gentlemen. But mind you, you dont know or havent witnessed a true troll if you havent read several youtube comments.

A troll is: a person that may have no clue about the issue at hand or may not even bothered to have an opinion; and yet he/she will comment by expressing the most bigotry and hatred filled opinion just to stir controversy and get into your nervous system. A troll rejoices when you get mad and tired explaining as logically as you can why he/she fails in logic.

The troll which I will present to you is not the worst I found there - by far. In fact you is not really a troll; just an ignorant and biased person, But I will call him a troll for convenience. I will not doubt that I had fun "trolling" him back but there was no serious discussion going on anyway. It was amusing for me, I hope it is for you too.


The topic was if the acceptance of homosexuality brings the downfall of societies - as my troll-friend advocated so firmly. The discussion began when I brought up the Greeks and the Romans.

So without further delay I present to you the "civilised" conversation we had via PMs on youtube. Ridiculous, stupid, glitchy Glitchspot wont let me put the convo in spoilers so there you have it taking up huge space in my blog. Thank you Glitchspot once again. :)


None of the below are made up. I am copying and pasting them "as is" from my inbox and outbox. The first PM is his, as he transferred the discussion from the comments section to private messaging. Message title: "LOL" ( :roll: )

If there are swear-words I'll censor them. Other offensive opinions though cant be censored, so be aware that what you are reading comes from a troll.



Thank you, but i majored in history and you have NO idea in what your talking about.

Homosexuality is a BIPRODUCT of a broken down and increasingly immoral society in every case in the history of the world, especially Rome and Greece. Thats a FACT. If you deny this, then you are only fooling yourself. Must be nice to live in such a dream world.


You major in History and yet all you have to say to support this, distoriting of reality, view of yours are unsubstanciated rants.
I offer you examples and you offer me rants and bare assertions.

Way to honour your major. I think you are letting your religious bias affect your judgment on the matter and that is not a safe guide. ;)


God's wisdom and insight supercedes man's anyday of the week.

It is no surprise that extreme Socialist/Liberal colleges do not point out the obvious within the destruction of a society and the biproduct of homosexuality because the colleges are already godless and perverted enough to not teach any truth whatsoever.


Then why do you major History? And why did you bring it up? In order to flaunt your credibility which you dont have to begin with? You obviously dont agree with what you are being taught, therefore its redundant of you to tell me that you major in History and therefore hypocritical.

If it is obvious you would be able to demonstrate it with arguments. So can you?


I already told you, get off of your behind, go to the library and pick up a history book on Rome, Greece, Sodom, Egypt, and you will plainly see the coorelation of immorality and homosexuality during collapse.

Rome is the easiest. The population of the United States is so close in comparison to the Roman collapse it is scary.

1. People in Rome became fascinated with sports and Carnivals (pleasure) that they ignored the collapse of their society while it started happening.

2. Illiteracy spiked

3. A focus on keeping the borders secure was not a priority, and eventually invaders (foreigners) destroyed the city.

4. Immorality was running rampant, homosexuality, corruption in government.

5. Killing became accepted entertainment

6. The government went bankrupt funding foreign wars and imperialism.

If you cant even understand these facts when reading a history book, then there is no sense in me even talking to someone not able to understand basic education.


The fact that you link all those 6 to homosexuality is disturbing. The correlation is only existant in your head. Not to mention that correlation does not equal causation which makes your theory even more far fetched and absurd.

You cant just throw some negative aspects and "magically" connect them to whatever you want to label as guilty of their existense. ;)

As for modern examples: Netherlands are the most gay-friendly country and they are just fine. Far better than the USA.

Twisting facts, according to your distorted perception is far worse than not having knowledge of those facts; facts that I havent heard for the first time.

So next time, come back with existant connections and not connections you pulled out of nowhere.


blah blah blah

You are obvously not educated and were never taught by anyone intelligent enough to show you basic coorelations between history and today.

You are just another youtube R***RD

Any SMART professor or educator will easily tell you true history.

"The correlation is only existant in your head"

Really? Why dont you buy a book on the thousands of books detailing this comparison.

Stupid foreigner.


So now whatever that doesnt go according to your distorted perception is "blah blah blah". How convenient....

And you resort to insults I see...

When you are through with ad hominem attacks I'd like you to respond on the Netherlands issue.

Yes the correlation exists only in your head. If you propose a correlation you have to support it with valid arguments which you then have to articulate. Thats what a SMART professor or educator would teach you to do. You didnt. You just drew a conclusion out of thin air.

And, lastly, do not respond to me if you are going to insult me.


Netherlands= Godless Socialist Degenerates.

Also, you are obviously a foreigner with no real idea of how America works or was ever taught anything real about history from your socialist and politically correct cIassooms. LOL

Once again, im not sure if you understand english that well? But for people who actually know history, it is a known fact of the self destructive coorelation between rome and the U.S.. That includes immoral gays.

So stick to subjects you actually know about


Netherlands as a country is thriving. Its doing just fine.
If I am foreigner and have no idea about the USA so are you to Netherlandsand therefore you cant have an opinion on it, is that right? Or is that another double standard you apply?

My English is just fine if not better than yours.

If its an obvious fact you would be able to demonstrate it with arguments and what not. You failed to do so thus your opinion is a mere baseless assertion.

Again you make more absurd connections without backing them up in any way. Why do you expect someone to take you seriously? Just because you profess to be majoring in History? You have said yourself that you'd prefer God;s word over any lecture on History. Thus you are a hypocrite, because all you seem to adhere to is what is in the Bible and not what is being taught in history cIasses anywhere in the world.

The only thing you have demonstrated is your bias. Biased people cannot have a clear view no matter how educated they are.


What you socialists do not understand because you are not allowed to understand, is that there is truth and non-truth. Not everyone is right. Man's logic is weak and poor. God's logic is beyond our understanding and perfect. You are choosing to follow a lower method of understanding while i choose to follow Gods perfect knowledge. That is the difference between us.

P.S. your english is not that good.


If you adhere to the Bible then why did you try to bring up historical "facts" that are not even in the Bible?
I guess you tried to seem unbiased and that your views are substanciated, but when you failed you turned back to the good ol' Bible.

Hypocrisy is easy to detect.

So far you have made connections that dont exist, you were a hypocrite by applying double standards, connecting my disagreeing with you to some sort of political view that I have while you dont even know me (right now you said I am a socialist, a few messages ago you told me I am a liberal etc etc), then you insulted me.

Seriously your repertoire of "arguments" is astonishingly diverse.
But you see, in a mature discussion, diversity is not the target; validity is. ;)
And you failed to follow that simple rule many times.

PS: Yet another insult which isnt even true. Nice try. I suggest you mature.


Every historical fact that i brought up is true. Even 3rd graders here are taught that about Rome. LOL What do you teach third graders in the Netherlands? Listen to the government? haha.

It is funny that you do not even know basic history.

Historical facts do not have to be backed up by only the Bible if they are documented.

Why is this so hard for you to understand?

and when i said you a were socialist, i was pointing out your handicap because it prevents you from knowing truth.


Like I said you made inexistant connections when referring to those facts.

Similar to this:
"My back yard has no sun! Therefore its they gay neighbour's fault!!!"
Yes as silly as this indeed. The back yard not having sun is a fact, but the correlation to the neighbour being gay is plain stupid. How much more plainly do I have to explain it? Unless you are a 3rd grader yourself.

I think you have to at least decide. Do you trust the history lessons of your major? You told me that they dont teach the truths and yet, you reference them.

The Bible can back up too few historical facts that are relevant to the topic we are discussing. Learn to use sources well. You seem to fail there too.

What is so hard to understand you ask. Well when a person spouts mere assertions based on biased views which stem from a strict and literal interpretation of the Bible, who then goes on to act like a hypocrite, resorts to insults and ad hominem attacks, there is one thing that is very clear and understandable:
That you cant have a say on a matter, if you are this biased. Period.

Which is another ad hominem attack. Do you know what that is or should I translate it?


And here the "conversation" ended with him not responding to me (I am glad he didnt).

Oh and did I mention he is a Christian fundamentalist?

Yes, 2 out of 3 of his comments in the comment section was Bible verses. :roll: It gave me a familiar feeling.....

Hello V_V

So my sister left for vacation and I am home alone....


...I am not enjoying it. :(

Its so boring either way.

And I dont have enough money for the month.... V_V

And my exams start on 1st September and I think that I am past the deadline to select which lessons to be tested on.

I'll have to wait and know for sure when I call the uni on Monday..... V_V

One good thing is that the weather is getting cooler so I have no trouble sleeping at night.

But then again I still have the kids across my bedroom's window screaming for hours and the dogs barging like crazy.

And stuff going through my head all the time....

So noisy... V_V


home alone....

Scorpions Education - Uli Jon Roth Era - the 70's

Hi. :) This is a blog of mine trying to give you guys and girls an insight to Scorpions; my favourite band. I have decided to do so because most of you (if not all) know them only through their hit songs of the 80's, like "Rock You Like A Hurricane".

I think that this band is worth to get to know as a whole because in my opinion their eraly years have very good material, obscure to most fans of the genre in general.

But let me first give you an introduction before giving you links to my favourite songs of that era; the 70's.

Scorpions formed in 1969 by brothers Michael and Rudolf Schenker, and Klaus Meine and released their first album in 1972 (Michael was soon replaced by Roth as lead guitarist). It was called Lonesome Crow; its sound was psychedelic rock. Nothing like the hard rock sound they had later on. The lyrics made almost no sense (seriously) but still some interesting music to be found. Nothing special though.

Later on they released "Fly To The Rainbow", their 2nd album which showed their hard rock "intentions" but still maintaining some dreamy/psychedelic styIe for some of their songs. The lyrics now actually make sense. :P This album was produced by them and it was the debut of their guitarist Uli Jon Roth who is a skilled guitarist.

Their 3rd album was "In Trance". A marvelous album which introduces some screaming and a more "loud" and "full" hard rock sound.

The same formula goes on with "Virgin Killer" with even more screaming and energy and later "Taken By Force" which was Uli's last album with the band (except for the live album Tokyo Tapes recorded in Japan).

Basically that's what Scorpions is (or was): loud hard rock music; very energetic and music that cuts to the chase. Klaus Meine's voice is just unique and one of the main reasons I love this band.

Now with the links....

Drifting Sun (from Fly To The Rainbow)

A song composed entirely by Roth (he also sings in it). This is one of my most favourite songs of theirs because its simply amazing and unique. Its a large track but has a "character". Its not just another song in my opinion. Excellent tempo and amazing guitar solo starting at 4:00 till 7:00 almost. Great!

Speedy's Coming (from Fly To The Rainbow) - live version

The "obligatory" hard-rocking opening track for the album. By Schenker. Very energetic song. Love it!


Dark Lady (from In Trance) - Live Version "Robot Man"

Another song composed entirely by Roth. Amazing riffs, and featuring my favourite screaming by Klaus Meine. This song sounds better in its live version but I cant find it so I am giving you the live version of "Robot Man", another good song. (generally Scorpions executed their songs better live than their studio versions imo).

Top Of The Bill (from In Trance) - Live Version

This is a song composed by Rudolf Schenker. Simple but so great and hard-rocking. Awesome live version.

In Trance (from In Trance) - Live Version

And of course the title track. A ballad with both great lyrics and a very beatiful arrangement. Much better in its live version.

Composed by Schenker.


Virgin Killer (from Virgin Killer)

Oh my another Roth song. Klaus really spits his lungs out on this one. :P Very devilish song and I like it!

In Your Park (from Virgin Killer)

Another ballad by Schenker. How I love it.

Polar Nights (from Virgin Killer)

By Roth. Perhaps the best song in the album in my opinion. Musically that is because unfortunately Roth sings in it. :P

Catch Your Train (from Virgin Killer) - live acoustic version in 2001! - live in 1978!!!!!!

A song by Schenker. Very energetic and brisk. Very nice.


I've Got To Be Free (from Taken By Force)

Another Roth song; fast-paced and "groovy"! Some say the lyrics are a mockery to his fellow band members who, unlike him, wanted commercial success.

He's A Woman, She's A Man (from Taken By Force) - live version

I am indifferent towards the album version as I find it way inferior than the live version, which is just amazing! By Schenker.

We'll Burn The Sky (from Tokyo Tapes)

I am directly giving you the (superior) live version of this song. A truly beautiful song. By Schenker.

Your Light (from Taken By Force)

Another Roth song. Not so much of a great song but I love it because its laid-back and has nice, encouraging lyrics. :)

*sings "It's aaaa-aaalriiiiight"*


So now I hope I have done enough to show you another aspect of Scorpions, with songs that have nothing to do with "Rock You Like A Hurricane" or "Wind of Change".

Enjoy and dont forget to comment (and share how this music experience has changed your life! :P) :D

Some Doubt

Blipity bloom...

So I was at school that day when it was the second year of High School. At the start of it. Maybe the first or second day. They handed us some papers where we had to make the choice everyone makes at High School: which division to choose.
Technologic division, is the division which is more about mathematics, technology etc etc, Applied Science Division is more about Biology, Chemistry etc etc and lastly Theoretical Division which is more about literature and language.
So I was holding that paper and I was really not prepared for it. I knew that this time would come but I never ever thought it through. The decision was done completely without much thought. I just had these things in mind: I detest math with all my heart so dealing with them for another two years and on a much more advanced level would be awful. On the other hand I like biology but not chemistry. In fact chemistry made to me much less sense than math. :P (well not really - its just that if a lesson for me has no purpose then my mind doesnt bother to comprehend and therefore nothing makes sense).

Anyway, it was ironic though even with those things in mind. At Junior High I found Greek Literature annoyingly boring and non-sensic. I found the analysis of poems and writings to be without reason and purpose. Ancient Greek to me was just meh and the only thing I liked was finding words of the same stem (yeah linguistic stuff).

So suffice to say I had no clear indication as to what to choose at that time. Only the negative indications for the two Divisions. So at a point of saying "Of the three, I hate/cant stand the two so I'll go with what's left" I chose the Theoretical division of lessons.

I cant say I ever felt out of place with it; in fact my interest grew somewhat. BUT probably due to the anxiety of giving exams and being tested in what I know my interest or rather my drive has left me. The more I came to realise that my knowledge will be tested harder and harder everyday and not in a way I liked made it unpleasant. But anyway this is not a blog about the crappy Greek educational system.

So the same continues in university. Although I feel that those things do interest me, even the most interesting cant fascinate me anymore. Its like the final exams of last year have drained my enthusiasm away.
The excitement of learning new things is not there. Probably it has to do with how much I have changed (forced myself to change) the last 2-3 years.

Of course I am not planning on dropping university, its just that I wouldnt like to go through it like another duty.
It seems that the more I think about things and scrutinise them to find a solution the more "dry" everything feels.

The only thing I have left, is to remember that I wasnt like this......