You have 1330 posts, activating troll alert...GazaAli
To be fair with him, I don't think trolls spend a few months on GameSpot using an account for regular things and then, after 1.3k posts, start trolling.
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You have 1330 posts, activating troll alert...GazaAli
To be fair with him, I don't think trolls spend a few months on GameSpot using an account for regular things and then, after 1.3k posts, start trolling.
I used to like Liverpool, but I just can't side with a team nicknamed "The Incredibly Boring" (or something in those lines). I'm not particularly fond of English football, but I'd have to say Arsenal.
im canadian and i hate hockey lolxXxQuizzyxXx
Isn't that a capital offense, there? Right above disliking maple syrup and not having a Moose rider license.
I didn't know Albert Einstein was your history teacher, though. I take it Max Weber teaches Physics and F. Engels Chemistry, right? :lol: I'm just kidding, but if your teacher took credit for that phrase, shame on him.
The battle of Stalingrad. It defined the events of WW II and shaped the Allies' victory over the Axis.
Perhaps, but I'll open the can of worms here....
Russia would not have been able to defeat Germany if the U.S. had not entered the war
If U.S. hadn't joined or supported:
1. Germany would not be threatened by just the British and Canadians against the Atlantic Wall, thereby putting more forces on the Eastern front.
2. German production of (then) advanced tanks and planes (ie Tiger tanks and Me-262's) would have been much greater without American daily day-time bombings of key industrial sites.
3. The best fighter plane of WW2, the P-51D Mustang would not have entered the war en masse and helped decimate the German Luftwaffe (it is estimated P-51's shot down nealy 5,000 aircraft, though that may include the Pacific theatre as well).
4. Russia would not have been provided $11 billion dollars in aid (mostly the all-important logistical support) from the U.S. with the Lend-Lease program.
That being said, my vote also would go to Stalingrad.
Wait! You got me wrong. I'm not a big fan of D-Day myself, but I do acknowledge that the USA's entry into the war was vital for the Allie's victory.
I picked Stalingrad because of how massive it was, and because Russia (USSR) proved then and there that quantity CAN surpass quality. Just throw in a 5:1 ratio.
But, if we were to determine how much influent each nation (USSR and USA) were in the Allies' victory, I'd say that USSR holds a larger share. I'd actually give the USSR something at or above 50%, since it "single-handedly" pushed the Eastern front all the way to Berlin, and split the rest between the U.S.A, the UK and the other countries who had smaller participations (don't get mad at me, Canadians). But of course, splitting a war's result in percentile shares is just juvenile :lol: .
[QUOTE="Buttons1990"]I went through two pages and stopped.. because not one person addressed this quote which is entirely correct. Thread should have ended here which it kind did I guess as everything else got derailed.1) Why should Germany have paid at all for WW1...? That is the entire reasononing behind Hitler's rise to power and the establishment of the Third Reich... And the beginning the Europe's WW2... Germany did not start WW1... Austria, Germany's ally declared war on Serbia after a Serbian insurgent group assassinated their Arch Duke... Russia, feeling obligated to defend fellow Slavs declared war on Austria... Austria asked its ally Germany for assistance and Germany obliged... And it should have ended there... But there were all of these other face saving treaties and France, who had a treaty with Russia declared war on Germany and Austria, followed by the UK who had a treaty with France, etc so on and so forth...
2) Restitution is what causes further conflict... After WW2, what the United States did was right... After WW1, what England and France did is wrong. After WW2, the US saw to it that those responsible for the instigation of the war were removed... And then the rest of the country(ies) were rebuilt and they made sure that nothing like that ever occurred again... After WW1, Britain and France placed all blame of WW1 on Germany, forced Germany to pay restitution, limited Germany's military, limited their trade, etc... More or less humiliating and punishing Germany for something they did not instigate... Hence why I said earlier that it led to the rise of the Third Reich who promised to return Germany to its former glory...
It's very common for a topic to evolve and envelop other subjects that are tangent to the thread's original post. His reply was, indeed, correct, but then other conversations spurred from all the arguing, and progressed. You don't close a topic after it's initial inquiry is responded; these are forum boards, not Yahoo! Answers or something of the sort.
What? Seeing as how those governments were actually created by Britain, they were pretty close bro... And what does Israel's relationship with the US have to do with anything? Prior to 1948 they had no diplomatic relations... (As it wasn't even a damn country yet)...
Did I not just say that?
Um... The Suez Canal was under British or French control almost entirely since it was built, and didn't change hands until the Suez Crisis... What the hell does Israel have to do with it?
Just going to ignore this as it is just anti-Israel spiel that has nothing to do with anything...
Yes, what does Israel's relation to the strongest country in the world have to do with anything, right? The only reason Israel managed to expand to it's bloated size, exceeding UN's stipulation, was because they were fully backed up politically, economically and militarily by the United States. What DOES that have to do with anything?
No, you said the European nations could care less about Israel.
The Suez Canal was owned by no one up to the Suez Crisis. Egypt announced that it was going to nationalize the canal during mid 50's, after the US and Britain withdrew their offer to fund the creation of a dam in the Nile river.
You're going to ignore the big green blot showing how compressed the palestinians got due to Israel's expansion? Why did you start this discussion if you're going to label anything I say against Israel's policies as "Anti-Israel spiel"? You expected me to support a nation that went from having no territory of their own, to creating a nation over the land of another people, to expanding to over twenty times its original territory, again, over another nation's land? Not only that, but they went over the amount of territory the UN stipulated. Thank you U.S, for supporting them in this decision.
But if you want to "ignore" this, be my guest. Just don't accept a historical/political debate if you're not willing to go through with it thoroughly, instead of giving half-a** answers because you don't know what to say.
Its not a debate if your response to everything is to cover your ears with your hands, close your eyes, and then yell "BLAH BLAH BLAH THE JEWS STOLE THE PALESTINIAN'S LAND! BLAH BLAH" over and over...
And on that note.
Since when did you start being ironic?
Don't get upset because you weren't able to maintain a civilized discussion without raging at your lack of an answer. I never claimed the Jews stole the Palestinian's land, I said that the creation of Israel's borders and its definition as a country was unnatural and a forced scenario unto the middle-east. You don't create a country in the same territory that another one already exists.
But, as you've already proven, you're not mature enough for this topic. You're trying too hard to prove how extensive your historical knowledge is (or how fast you can access Wikipedia, idk), and not focusing on replying to the main topic of the conversation (one you singled out from my initial statement): that Israel's creation and expansion is criminal.
My WW2 history is rusty, and if I'm incorrect then feel free to point out my error, but didn't Germany literallyhave to pay for WW2 following the conclusion of the war.
Pretty much. The fact that they had to pay in WWI was one of the factors that led to Hitler's rise and WWII as well... so in some ways, the Allied treaty in WWI may have been responsible for WWII.
You don't want to say that. I claimed WW II was a by-product of WW I's treaty of Versailles much more than it was of Hitler and I got swarmed by the Britain Defense Force.
[QUOTE="HaloReachGOTY"]im a bad a**? huh?
No, but you can misconcieve yourself as one.
did we have a conversation before? i dont remember you bud lolI went for a stroll in the park today, it was sunny.
Oh, wait, we're not spewing random sentences? I don't know you either, I just replied to your quote.
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