Other sources are stating that the Portal can be used on external networks and is not limited to the same WiFi network of your house. Gamestop might want to confirm those details...
I'm not as upset about starting over as some, as I was expecting that. The parts that concern me are 1) adding more curency/progression systems to a system that IMO is nearly perfect as it is and 2) why doesn't the battlepass include game shop currency like a lot of other battlepasses?
@lonewolf1044: from what I understand, your season one character will become a "non seasonal" character when that ends, and then you're free to start a new seasonal character when season two starts OR start/play any "regular" characters and ignore seasons.
I'm excited to see this, and hope for the best. But I also can't wait for the Snyder stans that will over-defend it for being "mature" and "too complicated for your simple minds to comprehend" and so on.
Also - let me get this straight - it's coming straight to Netflix, but he already has a "Snyder cut" planned to...also release on Netflix, later??
What an obstinate position to take. Let's invent some arbitrary mechanic, not seen or talked about in any preview, and then complain when it doesn't exist in the game at launch. /eyeroll
@stiefjac: AAA refers to budget and production; usually also represents the quality of the studio and product. like nobody expects a COD caliber title from a small indie studio, and nobody would be impressed by a small indie title coming out of the ~10 studios that collaborate on COD.
I'm all for another AAA, modern MMO set in the Lord of the Rings. I think they are missing an opportunity, though, in setting it within their own 2nd age Rings of Power world.
Tekarukite's comments