@thelostscribe: beat me to it. It was the effort to keep the game console relevant in the living room, so of course they had to extol the list of features.
If you think about it, those features were like the "long game" of consoles, whereas Sony gambled on the "just gaming" of the PS4. That was a marketing decision, because the PS4 has many of those same non-gaming features. they just took advantage of the mixed-messaging done by Microsoft.
@reznik00: I was actually really excited about the May 2013 reveal, and yes, I bought an Xbox One launch day. if you think about it, they were just ahead of their time as many of their features have become pretty standard for the industry. I'm also okay with Gamepass, and don't see how that is "ruining" anything.
It's funny how some people have a memory of the Xbox reveal as their memory of E3 that year, but they were two very different events. On paper, I can see how they tried to split up the reveal for 1. Hardware/Features in May, and 2. Games in June. but like Phil points out, they spent too much time talking about TV and features at that reveal.
It also didn't help that, instead of addressing growing concerns on the stage at E3, they went TOO deep into revealing games, and didn't defend/answer those concerns. then Sony went last that night, and were able to mock Xbox and swing opinion towards PS4.
@lion2447: some of that is political, though. so it's up to us to support candidates that want to maintain net neutrality, for example, or scrutinize ISP's for shady business practices.
@silv3rst0rm: did you read the article? Or judge a book by a cover? Every time he comes on stage, people give him an ovation. He sounds like a very down to earth, humble guy, who plays online with people and loves gaming. but you don't like how he looks?
@skyhighgam3r: Right, but MSFT helped pay for the first in the series of each, which made them timed exclusives on Xbox. but they didn't horde them as exclusives forever, which was my point.
Re-read Booty's quotes, and it sounds like he is just saying the game could lead to being a good franchise for the company. Doesn't say anything about it being exclusive.
Plus, Xbox Games have a history of launching non-exclusive titles like Mass Effect and Tomb Raider (reboot).
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