You guys seem to be forgetting the other artical I linked to as well, why is the ps3's online so crippled and missing functions.'s forum posts
UE3 is a terrible engine for devs, except for Epic themselves. Look at all the mediocrity that's come out of the engine. Stranglehold, Hour of Victory, Blacksite: Area 51, and so on. It gave Silicon Knights a ton of trouble in the development for Too Human. I believe SK and Denis Dyack. The engine is total garbage and that's why you see devs making their own proprietary engines this generation. I'm not blaming it on PS3 or the devs who bought into the engine. I'm blaming Epic for their pile of mediocrity they've made.BioShockOwnz
You don't seem to be getting the point, the point is that this is consistently happening on the Ps3
People are saying who cares about this game. Look more into it you niave 8 year olds. It's not about the game, it's more about the PS3 sucking down the regular dev who just wants to put out his/her game normally!Ilived
Can I get a witness!
umm how I can I put this who cares? Its just a another shooter game. I have Call of Duty 4, Haze, Unreal Tourament 3 to worry about purchasing and many other games that aren't shooters that I can't possiably afford to buy them all. williamjuly2004
Whatever excuses make you feel better. PS3 owners are getting good at it, lets just say they have had lots of practice.
I find it inexcusable gamespot did not post this as news when compared to some of the irrelevant stuff they post. A right bit of fan-service that is, PS3 owners are so sensitive and insecure, better not to rock the poor guys boat a believe. Now that my bit of fun is done I bow and bid you adieu and farewell, its fun bugging you ps3'rs once and a while. =)
Ps3 online gutted:
development problems:
OK GUYS here's the deal.
I do not know about the forums but here's what I did to fix my spaces problem when writing reviews.
1. Delete the review.
2. Copy from Word into Notepad, save document, close, re-open, make paragraphsand copy that text.
2. Re-enter the editor and paste the notepad review
3. By hand remove all the spaces in between paragraphs and then recreate them
One of those things did the trick even though I tried all of them before separately. Aparently the problem beforewas that I was trying to edit the review that was already messed up beyond repair.
EDIT: What helped me (at least for my thinking process) is a post by one ofour union people. This might have value for all of you when it comes to forum posts:
"My experience has been that spacing problem occurs whenever GameSpot's text editor places a "nbsp" symbol (with an ampersand before and a semi-colon aftewards) somewhere in the HTML source code. This usually happens after I delete or insert some text in the middle of a sentence. If you copy the source code after finishing your post to Notepad and have some word processor replace all those "nbsp" symbols with a space, then repaste the altered post into the editor's HTML source code, it should work. (Whew!) If you don't catch the nbsp symbols before posting, you won't be able to find them afterwards since they're converted into empty spaces. Other than that, I would just say "preview" while asking why this problem hasn't been fixed yet."
Dude, thank you, this solution worked perfectly for me though I did not have to delete my review from Gamespot to get results. I would suggest trying to just re-submit it first then if that does not work try deleting it.
The problem with my review was I had a tab at the start of my paragraphs. I deleted those then re-submitted and everything turned out perfectly. Thank you for the solution!
I found a solution to the problem, well someone else told me about it and it works. When you write your review you MUST make sure you do not have *any* spaces or tabs in between your paragraphs. only enters. The problem with my review was I had a tab at the beggining of my paragraphs and that was causing them to clump together. The best thing to do is open up your blog, review, whatever, in Word and delete all your paragraphs from the beggining of the paragraph until it reaches the end of the last paragraphs period. In this way you can make sure you have no spaces inbetween your paragraphs. You then enter your returns as usual, seperating the paragraphs making sure not to put a double space or a tab in the beggining of your paragraph. And voila, it worked for me! Observe:
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