I disagree with all the people saying get a i3 2100.
It's a dual core CPU, while it does do 4 threads to sort of mimic true quad cores and for the majority of games it performs on par with an AMD phenom X4 or slightly better it isn't very future proof especially with so many games that are starting to fully utilize quad core CPU's. If I were you I would definitely save up an extra $50-60 and get an i5 2300/2400 true quad core CPU. If the extra money is not an option I'd grab a Phenom X4 and overclock it (which is very easy and they excel at). People on here are going to act like intel CPU's are so much better when in real day to day use they are not. There is no doubt they are better CPU's but unless you pair it with a monster of a video card (which with your budget you obviously are not doing) you won't see much of a difference, your GPU is going to be your bottleneck, not your CPU.
A Phenom X4 paired with a nice video card will max (or almost max) most games around 50-60 FPS where as the intel CPU will give you 65-75 FPS and in some games it won't give you any real gains at all. 10-15 FPS is a huge difference if you are comparing 30 FPS to 45 FPS but once you get over a solid 40-45 FPS it's really just nit picking.
problem is, am3+ is a dead board, it has been dead ever since bulldozer released and we found those pathetic results. If the op had a really low budget then yes we'd have no choice but to go for AMD cpu's, but this isn;t that case. I3's actually beat out phenom II's in most gaming...its utterly pathetic.
I'd say the i3 beats the Phenom (stock) in about 50% of games, the Phenom beats the i3 in about 20% of games and the other 30% of the time they are basically equal. The AM3+ board is basically dead but if he were to get a black edition Phenom and overclock it to 3.8ghz (easily done just by upping the multiplier, can get better overclocks with voltage increases and better cooling but for arguments sake lets stick to the easy overclock that anyone can do without really endangering the CPU) then he has a CPU that beats the i3 in 80-90% of the games out there and he is future proofed more by having 4 physical cores for all the newer games that are coming out that are designed to run best on 4 cores. It's not like processor power is whats holding games back anyways. If you have a good quad core CPU there is not a game out there now or in the near future that you will not be able to max at 50-60 FPS. Having the super high end sandy bridge CPU's will let you get closer to 80-90 FPS maxed but at that stage of the game what's the difference? Thats like the difference between a car that goes 160mph versus a car that goes 200mph, the top speed really doesn't matter because both are fast enough.
If he were to get a Phenom he'd be set as far as needed CPU power goes for atleast the next couple years, probably a little longer. By that time the 1155 boards will also be obsolete so we are just splitting hairs here. By the time he would upgrade the 2100 there would be better CPU's out there that don't run on the 1155 boards or he could upgrade to something like a 2500k which makes no sense at all. If he were to do that he should have just bought one in the first place right?
I will say I think his best course of action is to save up a little more cash and get a i5 2300/2400 sandy bridge quad core CPU, they are undoubtedly the best CPU's you can get for about $180, and they are very close to the 2500k (stock) in terms of gaming performance. The 2500k might get 4-5 FPS more but they cost 20% more, not exactly what I'd call bang for your buck unless you plan on overclocking. While I don't think Phenoms are in any real danger of becoming obsolete for gaming (or anything else for that matter) any time soon getting a 2300/2400 considering the price difference and slightly better longevity is his best option IMO.
Like I posted earlier his GPU is going to be the real factor in all this, a 6950 paired with a Phenom is certainly a better option than an i5 2300 paired with a 6850, both would cost about the same.
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