Season 3 already.... didn’t season 1 just come out? They’re really churning this crap out now. Maybe they’ll get desperate to sell toys again and have Baby Chewy in Season 3?
For me as a PC Gamer, Microsoft just made no reason for me to buy one.... which is great for me. I want a PS4 for Demon Souls, but I’m not paying £450 and £70 to do it.
This is the first gen I won’t be buying, the Xbox has no exclusives as you can play everything on PC... so I can skip that console. As for the PS5, it hasn’t done anything to excite me.... especially after the Nvidia 3080 announcement. So I’ll probably get that 30tflop card and leave it at that, the PS5 is only around 10 lol.
I think I’m full PC this gen, and Sony are starting to bring their games over to PC as well.
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