Complete hack review, lmao. Why are positive features listed as negatives? Motion controls not being a thing, and the series going back to its roots and getting rid of a lot of the new features from Super Mario Party etc, are very much good changes, not bad ones. I for one still hold Mario Party 2 and 5 as the by far best games in the series (and I've played every Mario Party game ever made, even those nightmarishly bad 9 and 10 games...), so I can't wait to play a game like this that finally takes the series back to the good old (superior) days of how it used to be before it all went downhill.
@ak_13: I love Curse of Monkey Island to death, I've lost count of how many times I've played it, but...I feel like it really doesn't need an HD upgrade or remake, thanks to the artstyle and the way it looks? The original is already fine the way it is. I can pick it up and replay it any time.
Unimpressed. Where's Soul Reaver and Ocarina of Time (the 3DS thing doesn't count, I want a home console HD version like with Windwaker and Twilight Princess. Still pissed we were shafted from that because of the 3DS. Same with Super Mario 64 I guess)? Those are all I want. And Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie remakes. A Super Mario 64 HD remake would be cool too though, I guess. I don't much care for Mega Man Legends, I just want a sequel or something similar to Mega Man X: Command Mission. That game was awesome. Don't know why we only got one Mega Man X RPG.
The dungeons are a highlight he says...For me, OoT, WW, and TP all had much more enjoyable dungeons. The two fire ones are good, the desert ones are all right, the forest ones are a big disappointment in comparison to the forest dungeons from the other games. This was my least favourite 3D Zelda game by a country mile, what with having to do the same stupid boss fight three times, not getting the Master Sword until the very end of the game because of the story, Fi's incessant and super annoying hand holding for the whole game, and yes, those god awful tear hunts. I personally never had a problem with the motion controls, the music was indeed good, and I liked the mini boss fights and the fights with Girahim, but yeah, I already played through this game twice on the Wii, so I think I'll pass on playing it again. I'll still buy the HD version for archiving though...Once again paying full price for an old game...Goddammit Nintendo...
*sad face*... T_T This is by far the game I am most looking forward to, the previous game was my favourite game in years by a country mile. It's been a long time since I thoroughly enjoyed a game like that...So this is a bit rough, but with that said, I want the game to be as perfect as possible, and totally understand SMS's situation, and want them to spend however much time they need to, so even if it were to take yet another year after that, and be pushed all the way to 2023, it would be painful, but I ultimately would not hold it against SMS.
God, I am getting so tired of this shit...Why does everything have to be open world these days? Why does every game have to have incredibly time consuming exploration, grinding, and customization? Having vivid and fantastic worlds and world building doesn't require them to be huge and mostly empty. It's killing me at this point. What's wrong with having a tightly focused game, with linear progression, a great story, fun action and combat without time consuming filler, and that doesn't take forever to finish? Bioshock was great without open world crap, it really doesn't need it. I'm one of the people who enjoyed both Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess a lot more than Breath of the Wild in the Zelda series, and I'll take Ezio's Action-Adventure Assassin's Creed saga any day over the more recent RPG games in the series like Origins and Odyssey...I miss the good old days of games like the Legacy of Kain series, this obsession with open worlds is ruining games for me...The only game I can think of off the top of my head in the last few years that didn't go in heavy on this stuff (it has a little bit, but not too much) and that I genuinely enjoyed was the new God of War game.
"revisiting its polarizing final season". Polarizing? I wasn't aware there are enough people around that liked the final season for it to be called polarizing? I was under the impression that the final season being bad was something that was more or less universally agreed upon. Also, I don't have a problem with Dany going evil, that was hinted at and in the cards of the series for a long time, the problem is the way it was executed, plus a myriad of other problems in the season, several probably a result of it being rushed. Personally I'm also a lot more bothered by how Jon was treated.
Also, George, why the heck are you working on a broadway show!? Just finish your damn books already, jesus! >_<
Please tell me you're joking? PATENTING a difficulty game mechanic!? That's like if a movie producer patented a certain way of filming in a movie, or if a book publishing company patented a literary device! Man I hate this inept and greedy company, they don't care one bit about neither gamers nor the good of the gaming industry, ALL they care about is money, at the expense of everything, and everyone else! I still remember when they said nobody wants singleplayer games anymore (ever heard anything so stupid?), only for the new God of War to come out shortly after, sell like hotcake, get raving reviews, and make EA look like massive dumbasses. That felt good.
The 2017 Justice League movie has a 45/100 from critics, and a 6,3/10 from users, on IMDB. Meaning most critics and regular movie watchers alike consider the movie mediocre at best, and many probably feel it's pretty bad. Snyder's version, meanwhile, has a 55/100 from critics, and a 8,5/10 from users (and this is based on 97447 people, so it's not just a few outliers we're talking about here). Meaning most critics find it slightly better than the previous version, but still fairly mediocre, but most of the fans, meanwhile, love this version.
I'm quite used to pretentious so-called movie "experts" (critics) being completely out of the loop from most people when it comes to what makes a good movie, we see it happen a lot. Maybe they've watched so many movies they've become jaded, or maybe they try to judge movies based on how artistic they are instead of how entertaining they are (which is a really foolish thing to do, but we see it happen time and time again), I don't know, but regardless, movie critics frequently having pretty rubbish taste and opinions when it comes to movies compared to everyone else, is par for the course from my point of view. So Gamespot's nonsensical 3/10 review doesn't surprise me.
What does surprise me however, is seeing how many of the comments in here are bashing the movie. You people are nuts. I hated the 2017 version, I thought it was rubbish, and was sorely disappointed, so I went into Snyder's version with low expectations, expecting it to maybe be a bit better, but not by much. But to my postive surprise, it was miles better, a genuinely good superhero movie, and I really liked it. My only real complaint is the aspect ratio, and the song in the beginning of the movie. To anyone who haven't watched the movie yet: don't listen to the haters, go watch it, especially if you enjoyed Man of Steel and Batman VS Superman, as this is a proper continuation of that story.
TeslaCoi1's comments