Ayn Rand is dead! Bioshock is coming true! Greenspan has the credibility of Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker!
The free-wheeling financial economy begun with Reagan, expanded by Clinton and completely let loose by George W. has completely collapsed. Ayn Rand's theories that the best of humanity can only occur in a completely free market have been totally invalidated. Sorry Boz!
Short term profit trumped common sense everywhere, especially with mortgages. Immediate fees and points are way higher for subprime mortgages, making a bundle for the broker, who found a ready market to immediately take the loans off their hands. This all was OK while housing prices were rising, because once the ARMs and other subprime loans reset their rates or otherwise became unaffordable for the house owners, they would merely have to refinance, taking advantage of the higher value of their homes. This whole house of cards collapsed once housing prices started to fall and the house owners could no longer refinance their troubles away. The foreclosures started and brought down the whole economy with it.
The solution? Well, hard to know, but it certainly won't be the free market. Many banks are currently zombies, the living dead. If they recognize the real value of the mortgages they possess, their balance sheets will fall below zero and they will collapse. If they don't recognize the real value of their holdings, they will be destroyed piecemeal as loan after loan defaults. Either way, they are vulverable to runs on the bank, where all the depositors, afraid of losing their savings, try to withdraw their money all at once. Of course, this money was lent out to fund the mortgages and is not there anymore, so the bank could die without even having bad mortgage on its books.
Meanwhile, those forclosed upon or about to be take everything of value, including wiring and piping,from their homes as they leave, destroying most of what value was left in the house. My neighbor, knowing his family was about to be forclosed on, rented his house out to three different families, collected their deposits and skipped town. This leaves once thriving neighborhoods and commercial centers shuttered and abandoned, or home to squatters. Violence expands and the remaining residents are driven insane by remembering what they once had and what they have now become.
Use of plasmids and tonics become rampant as the residents try to escape their tortured lives. Oops, I mean meth and alcohol. Well, OK you get the picture. Look like Bioshock, eh?
Luckily we have a strong, new president rather than Andrew Ryan, George W. or Herbert Hoover.
God Bless America!
Edit: Also, ZGreenwell and I are having a race to get to 50K gamerscore. Sure, I have a head start, but I'll take every advantage that I can get!
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