Tha_Gr8_One's forum posts
1. GT5: Prologue (Polyphony's been pushing graphics for a while now)
2. MLB '08 The Show (the lighting made my jaw drop, perhaps a preview of what sports games built ground-up for the PS3 is capable of graphically and otherwise)
3. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (the incredible fluidity of the animations forced me to put this game in the top three)
For those who haven't seen the 25 minute gameplay demo from Leipzig, you should check it out. It may change your opinion (one way or another).
The hype surrounding Killzone 2 comes from a lot of things.
For starters let me say that the FPS genre in general is not one that doesn't allow for significant leaps in terms of gameplay. The basic controls, pacing and action in FPSs are simple: your character walks around and shoots stuff. This being the case it is all of the other things that make any particular FPS more interesting than the average.
As it relates to Killzone 2, since it's an FPS, graphics play a large part in the hype machine (initially it was the only reason for hype at E3 '05). As far as I can tell, this is the best looking console game that I have ever seen. Furthermore, the emphasis placed on the PS3 processing and graphical powerallows those who have the system to finally get a glimpse of what future PS3 games will have to offer and why we spent $500+.
Other than the graphics, (and I'm speaking personally now) what has me excited about the game is the cover system, the physics engine (objects and enemies), the enemy AI, the seamless transition into cut-scenes, and the overall immersive experience offered by a high-budget high-production value PS3 game.
As for the purpose of the hype = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
[QUOTE="CaNiBuSKiD69"]I just wanted to make a quick post of my first impression and opinion of the GTA trailers. I just have to say I am not at all impressed with any of the animations or textures. I feel the character models are under-textured and have far less resolution than new next-gen games (COD4, UT3, Crysis, MGS4 to name a few). I especially expected top-notch textures from RockStar and the GTA series since their reputation for raising the bar in the genre is unparalleled. Also, I just wanted to comment on the body/hand movements, which still seem noticeably robotic and unnatural like the previous games. I would have expected that with the hardware available with the next-gen systems that they would have put more work into the character models and animations. Any one else notice this? I am curious on your thoughts!420Token420
GTA has never been derived around amazing graphics or textures. It has always been the open world gameplay. Doing whatever you want, whenever you want. If you want graphics get COD4 or Uncharted. If you want hours of countless fun, and pointless brutal violence than GTA is for you. That's why I am getting it, not for the graphics ..
Well said.
The GTA series has never been on the cutting edge of graphics, but rather the developers understand that the story and the gameplay are what make the series fun to play. To focus on graphics and even animations would detract from the heart of the franchise and the reason people (that I've talked to) love the game:
After buying Snake Eater to find out what all the MGS fuss was about, I was floored by the story, but probably more by the execution of the story (visually). After studying film for a couple of years now, I'm still amazed at how well directed the game is and how well structure the story is.
The only thing is that since I don't have access to all of the other games, I've been looking for a place that has a summarized version of the entire story...
After playing round 2 I had high hopes for this game. Needless to say I was extremely disappointed. Both round 2 and 2004 are much more fun including a better career mode and more enjoyable boxing experience. The new "impact puches" create flawed gameplay and throw almost all strategy out the window. The online is either okay or horrible (in my personal experience).
It's not the worst boxing game ever, but it is the worst in the series and a monumental disappointment in my book, I only played it because I am a boxing fan with almost no other options (Puch Out anyone???).
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