IMO, I think it depends on how you measure games against one another. You can measure them based on scores that other people/media sourcesassign to the games, based on the actual reviews and expressed opinionsothers form of the games, based on the amount of sales games have, or based on you own opinion of the games, your personalexperiences playing the game,and how much you enjoyed them. If you base it on scores/review/sales, then I would say that Heavenly Sword is probably the only PS3 (exclusive) game that can "compete" this year. For me personally, I know that there are many other games (on the PS3 this year)that I will enjoy more than Bioshock, HeavenlySword being one.
Tha_Gr8_One's forum posts
It feels like Samurai Jak but done even more stylistically and violent. They are so awesome...but unfortunately short. I hope they include these in the extra features in the game. I mean the Blu-Ray has so much room, why not!WongB
Agreed. If you guys like this style, you should definitely check out Samurai Jack. It's got a great style that clearly inspired this "anime" series.
Hi mate. Help is at hand cos I had this problem and I am probably your age. I would say that getin a hd tv around 200 US dollars would be a good option. If you get a 2nd hand TV make sure that it is almost mint condition (scratches on TVs while playing a great game makes the game good not great if you see what I mean. Also this year get COD4, Army of Two and Smackdwon vs Raw 2008, they look great too. Hope that helped. Email me your PSN user name on gamespot then I will go online on Half-life when it is realeased!
P.S. Remember huge TVs aren't practical, I have got a 21 inch HD 1080i TV and it does look amazing!
Thanks a lot mate (never used that word before:)). My PSN is MyOwnApprentice, what's yours? I'll definitely see you online in COD4, and later in Team Fortress 2. I think I'll probably go with an HDTV at about 20" like you. Thanks again! :D
there isa factory direct store near me that are sellin a 32 inch hd lcd for only 499.. i might go get it.azimiballer
Oh yeah, I forgot Factory Direct. They're a pretty good place to get electronics. Actually, a friend of mine works there, maybe he can hold one for me.
A friend of minesuggested I get an HD monitor, but I'm sure of what cables/connectors I'll need watchTV on it (I watch a lot of TV).
My shiny new PS3 is currently hooked up to a 17" (that's not a typo) standard-def TV. I've been playing my PS2 on it for a few years, but I think the PS3 warrants an upgrade. I've got about $400 (CDN)right now, with another $500 after this week's pay day.
I've got a pretty decent 5.1 surround sound setup, but I'm wondering if it's worth it to make the leap to HDTVs. I'm going back to school in September, so the money I have now has to last me at least a few months. I'm going to need some money for games like Heavenly Sword, Orange Box, Pro Evo, etc. so I can't spend it all.
So I figured I would seek out the infinite wisdom of the gamespot forum users to help me make the right decision. It's in a tiny bedroom, so anything really big is pretty much out of the question.
Here are some of my options:
Used 27" SDTV (under $100)
New 20" HD monitor (approx. $250)
Anything else you guys can think of...
Also, what type/size TV do you own and what has been you experience/opinion of it?
Thanks in advance.:)
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