TheBestUserEver's forum posts
IMO I think it's very possible. The first one received a 9.6 which is equivalent to a 10. This game looks like a masterpiece.
Oh, and if you choose the second option; discuss the game and why.
:? No, you round it to the nearest .5 incriment, being 9.5. Dont expect a 10 here.
I strongly feel if GS takes the time and waits a day or 2 after release to review the game like they normally do on big games. They should come to the conclusion that Too Human is of AAA caliber.
Once the reviewer brushes off the idea of wanting to button mash with the A button. And start to get accustomed to the analog stick. It should be very easy to see the high production values and just truly how deep this game is.
If GS reviews this game properlyit should slide in at a 9.0 very close but it should. Because if we had the old system I could see it getting an 8.8. But if they hold true and round up it should end up at a 9.0 AAA.
And another thing gamers really should not be frowning on the new concept of analog stick for Too Human. Since when has innovation been bad. Heck the Wii does motion control and that gets praised. So Too Human should be treated the same. Because once you master the analog stick it's truly sweet. So the reviewer should keep this in mind.
It will get whatever the reviewer thinks it deserves, just becasue it doesnt get a 9 doesnt mean the review was wrong, regardless of what it gets the review was done properly.
Ive been somewhat away from the internet for a week, and I need an update on teh major gaming news. Like what happend with the square announcement, anything about FF7 other then the DVD? Stuff like that, if anyone can give me a rundown of things ive missed in the past week id appreciate it. thx
There talking about square announcement, not Sony's which is happening at Leipzig, well 12 actually.
no, there was also one for today. hence all the countdowns.
it's here:
Well Sony never said anything official, so I dont know why anyone would get their hopes up for one. But after E3 Sony did say they have 12 announcements for Leipzig.
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