It does makes sense for SE to prefer the 360 over the PS3. SE is just smart and knows the better of the 2 consoles. Funny though how cows acted as if SE was basicly a first party at one time. Always saying MS will never get SE games because Sony owns some of SE :lol:
Project Sylpheed (360 exclusive ) there was a PS3 version planned a year after the 360 version but I do not see it anywhere now so must have been canned. Even then though the 360 got it a well before the PS3 if there is a PS3 version
FF11-360 only next gen console with it.
Infinite Undiscovery-360 exclusive
Last Remnant- 360 timed exclusive
FF13 -360/PS3 - SE has choosen to delay the PS3 version because they want the 360 version to come out the same time.
FFvs13-PS3 exclusive- will not be out till 2010 earliest.
I may be missing a few.
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