If I saw it on TV I'd think it was another generic mobile tower defense game until I saw the logo. They really don't have anything exciting for this game and are reluctantly bringing back Vanilla but they don't understand why so many want to go back to the old days so they'll screw that up too.
When Jeff Kaplan left the team after WOTLK to work on the Titan MMO the game started its slow death.
Jessica Jones was the only Netflix Marvel show I didn't like very much. Luke Cage had that sick Shaft/Black Dynamite groove with Wu-Tang inspired music. Great villains too along with Daredevil. I also really liked Iron Fist because he and Daredevil are the only real fighters here. The other two brawl during desperate times but mostly shove people around and stand looking cool. Anyway, I'm sure the Defenders show will be good, but I'm waiting for the REAL hero to show up......The Punisher.
Absolute garbage. I watched Bride of Chucky in theaters as a kid and the only memorable thing out of that was I learned people like to put mirrors above their beds. Silly movie franchise. Wait for It to release.
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