I have close inside sources working in Media Molecule and with them. It will take place in a post apocalyptic setting hence the trailer. No clue why the ant. Unfortunately my proof is my word.redmanifesto
actually I heard rumors that gears is exclusive to sony now. The discs sold to xbox gamers will now melt when its inserted into drives. Trust me, I got an insider voice.... inside my mindDiviniuz
I know your joking but if gears ever when over to playstation that would be the nail in the coffin for the 360 (at least for me it would). The only reasons I keep my 360 now is for gears 3, left 4 dead and some of the features of xbox live. I have gamed more on my ps3 this year than I ever had before because MS is not impressing me anymore.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"] Normally these kind of announcements are not very mind blowing.kuraimen
Especially not in here. Wait until they announce what it is, you'll see all the anti-PS3 people making threads about how lame that "mind blowing" exclusive was. Meh, SW must be the most misleading section of any existing forum on the whole internet :| Far as i've seen.
That I agree.
Thats mostly 360 fanboys making topics saying "that ps3 exclusive is lame. Our 360 muliplats are better" just to defend the fact that the 360 is lacking in the exclusives department.
I think its gonna be a game from the ps2 era that people forgot about. I mean the ps2 had alot of awesome games in its day so it maybe Sony has a ps3 sequel in mind for one of those games. Honestly, I just hope its a awesome game and it makes 360 and PC fanboys envy ps3 fans lol.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]I think the game is a new IP.rasengan2552
that wouldn't be very so mind blowing then.
If the new IP game is awesome looking then yea it could be mind blowing. Besides MS aint doing anything in terms of exclusives to keep up with Sony and Nintendo.
It would be awesome if it were true but we all know that GTA 5 is not gonna be a ps3 exclusive. Can you imagine all the 360 and PC fanboys whining and crying and boycotting, trolling if GTA 5 was a ps3 exclusive? If anything the ps3 will get GTA 5 DLC as a timed exclusive or something.
I also have both consoles but the 360 is lacking in the exclusives department. Its mostly a muliplat console now. Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable are the only exclusvies it has which is pretty sad if you think about it. The only exclusives I have for my 360 is Gears 3 and Left 4 Dead 2 ( which really isn't an exclusive since its also on PC). The other games I have for 360 are mulitplats MW3, Batman Arkham City, and Mass Effect 2. The rest of my games like BF3, Uncharted 3 etc are on my ps3.
They can't possibly compete with Uber rich MS next generation if they last that long.
Sony is going to go the way of Sega.
A sad old clown... the children stopped laughing.
Are you kidding me? Microsoft is the one that is lacking innovation. Just for some odd reason people are still buying 360's even though they barely have any good exclusives. Games like Call of Duty which is a MULTIPLAT are pushing sales for the 360.
MW 3 has the better campign/ co op and BF3 has the better mulitplayer. MW 3 muliplayer is terrible because the maps and respawn system in the game are TRASH. Plus there are some extremely over power guns mainly the Type 95 (which can kill you in one shot no matter what) and the shottys that can kill you in one shot from half way cross the map.
Its one of my fave games this gen. I know alot of gamers today bash it because its more of a interactive movie filled with quick time events but its still pretty awesome. The story is mature and very emotional and you really do care about the characters. Sucks when can't get more games like this.
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