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TheC0m1ssar Blog

Need iPod Advice

Okay, I need any and everybody's help with my iPod.

1. I need new earphones that don't cause the speakers to go out after lots of tugging, pulling, stretching, and twisting. Anyone got any ideas?

2. I need a lot of advice on how to properly store an iPod, because I just got new earphones one month ago and the right ear speaker is already dead. I usually just wrap the wire around the iPod Touch vertically and just put in my jacket pocket, where it proceeds to hop, bounce, and tumble to it's merry content.


The Internet Is The Only Thing Left...

... that needs to go "next-generation". Honestly, while file sizes get bigger and bigger (Demos, I'm looking at YOU!), it takes longer and longer to download these whopping file sizes (especially for me, with a pretty average DSL connection that breaks VERY often). So when is the Internet going to be remade?

Curiously, I think I've made this blog before sometime in the past... Deja vu, I guess.

Anyways, onto the main blogging business:

Supreme Commander:
Curiously, the Coordinated Attacks function doesn't work. And the Screenshot function doesn't work either, which irks me because I was planning to take a scale screenshot of a tree to the units (working from the MA12 Stryker Medium Tank all the way up to the Fatboy Mobile Factory), so I could show the incredible scale and size of the game. (By the way, 13:20 to build a battleship = WIN. Too bad the US Navy can't build that fast).

Assassin's Creed:
The game looks SO much more spectacular with full maxed out details. Big difference there.

And as for anime, well, the majority of the fall animes have already been finished, so now I'm just waiting for the spring animes (none of them really look that good, unfortunately). And while I'm on watching stuff, I finally saw Eagle Eye. Not bad, but the story was kind of... meh.

And on another note, I've gotten into another F2P MMO. Won't say what it is unless someone asks. :P


And Now For the Mandatory Game Complaints

Well, it's the usual "OMG THERES SUMTHIN WRONG WITH DIS GAME" thing again.

Assassin's Creed:

All in all, it wasn't really that bad. I do understand why people were complaining about the static game world. Nothing ever really changes, no matter what you do. Guards still come back. People still walk. And if you haven't completed any of the Save the Citizens, that doesn't change either. Ultimately, it gives it appeal, but doesn't really give it life. Second thing (and I'm not sure if anyone else would think the same), the Kingdom. Who is it really owned by, Templars or Saracens? Or both? It would seem that the soldiers are stationed at seemingly random intervals (with no other thing to do other than patrol or stand around and talk... all day). But still a decent game. I hope they do indeed improve the game world in the second one.

Supreme Commander:

No complaints except for one: Why does it take so fething long to build a nuke in campaign mode? And what's with the enemy TOTALLY loving to launch multiple nukes at me, when my 5 Strategic Missile Defenses are still building their bloody anti-nuke missiles? (Note: this is all in campaign). I know it's designed to be challenging, but it's always really annoying when they blow up your base, leaving you crippled and your guard down, and then simultaneously launch an assault with T2/T3 units.(My initial thought now is to have a backup base built somewhere else). Other than that, superb game.

Sins of a Solar Empire:

They're all CLONES! No, really. All the units in the game sound exactly the same, with the exception between standard ships and capital ships. And the AI rushed me with 31 Siege Frigates and decimated one of my planets. Suffice to say that really threw me off guard.

Christmas Aftermath

Okay, so here's how everything turned out:

-Assassin's Creed. Wow. That is one freaky-ass ending. It's all historical-like and then ends with you killing your boss because he went power-hungry with some world-changing orb? Weird. :o

-Supreme Commander. I can make jets fly in formation or set them to auto-attack on their way to destination, but I can't seem to make them do both. But otherwise it's a blast. Nothing makes you happier when a whole operation comes together perfectly, with all the Tech 3 Siege Assault Bots tearing through enemy defenses like paper and strategic bombers blowing up their commander. Though the Black Sun missions are a pain because they like to throw experimentals at you... a lot.

-Sins of a Solar Empire. Total galaxy domination through the Monolith Cannon. Need I say more? :P

-Won a $100 Best Buy gift card from a raffle. Going to save this for... something, I guess.


And The Not-So-Merry Christmas Party

Well, suffice to say that I got my presents, which of the following were:

-$110 (means that I'm not going to get much come New Year's)
-A Medium-sized American Eagle jacket... that doesn't fit me.
-A Marvel Heroes movie collection (I should have made it clear that I wanted anime, not Marvel. I hate American superheroes, not only because of the artwork but of the whole stupid guy-turns-uber-and-saves-the-world scenario. WAY too cliche)
-A duffel bag. Very useful... especially when I'm going on travel.
-2 movie tickets. This gift really ticked me off. It's my relatives way of saying "get a girlfriend". Well, **** them. I think I'm fine the way I am, perfectly straight and single. I'd say some sort of sexist comment right now, but I think I'll keep that to myself.

Then I left this oh-so-not-merry party with a bitter feeling. Honestly, at this very moment, I could care less if the entirety of my family died in car crashes on their way home, because honestly, I just don't care. Not anymore. Call me a disturbed person (and you should) if I want them to have some sort of freak misfortune and/or death (which I do). N person should ever have to go through this much verbal abuse just from their own family. Which leaves me with the parting comment: Why do people still wonder why incidents like Columbine happen?


Merry Soon-To-Be Christmas!

Well, another "points" blog. Nothing big.

-I'm getting the following games next Monday:
Supreme Commander Gold Edition
Assassin's Creed
Sins of a Solar Empire

Note that all of those games are primarily single-player. :P

-Playing Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online (Yes, it does exist). It only exists in Closed Beta right now, but I think the idea is pretty cool, but there's no Persona involvement whatsoever (meaning no suicidal demon summoning).
-Christmas is kind of in a slump this year... not a lot of people buying. BUY PEOPLE! We need to bring our economy back, and we can't do that if you don't BUY!


Blogging after a slump

Okay, so after not blogging for so long, I'm blogging again.

Yesterday I went to Six Flags Magic Mountain as part of my Key Club's Fall Rally. It was a total blast since everyone in my group were all my friends. We rode a ton of rollercoasters, ate lunch (OMG THE PRICES ARE SO EXPENSIVE!), and then attended the rally. Really loud and lots of shouting. :) Then we ended the day riding only 1 roller coaster since by this time the lines were about a 2-hour wait, and we had to leave in 2 hours. One of my friends owned everyone in Dance Dance Revolution when she went into double-pad mode and played double by herself, it was scary... it was like she was just walking around on there without breaking a sweat, but pulled 'perfect's and 'great's almost all the time. Bumpy bus ride to and back from Six Flags, and my feet were screaming, but I had a lot of fun.

And it was really, really cold. Sitting in 44 degree weather with a 15 mph+ wind. Not very nice.

On another note... not much new with gaming. I was thinking about buying GTA4 but then the whole screewed-up-port thing came around... I've just been playing mainly Dekaron Online private server. :| Though I am thinking of getting some new games for Christmas.

Now onto anime. Well... nothing new with that either. I watched Dead Space Downfall when it aired on SciFi. Good prologue and explains lot about the backstory... very grotesque. And I think I'll buy Code Geass Season 1 for Christmas.


Breathing Smoke

Well, other than the oh-so-dandy wildfires in the California state, everything's been peachy. I also got an unexpected 2-day extra on my weekend, which isn't too bad. Here's an update:

-Anime! Other than watching Kurogane no Linebarrels, nothing new. They're also showing Gundam 00 on Sci-Fi Channel next week. I didn't really like it, but I'll watch it since I have nothing else to do on Mondays. :P

-Gotten back into Cabal... again. Private server this time.

-Little Fighter 2! I have to tell you, this game is perfect for low-spec computers and is equally addictive. Dragonball-style characters with awesome game modes and gameplay.

-Prince of Persia (The 2008 remake) has unusually piqued my interest. I'll keep an eye on that. In addition, Far Cry 2 has dropped off of my map due to DRM, and Electronic Arts games aren't doing so hot either, so they're off the radar, too. Most likely going to wait for PoP and pick up Sins of a Solar Empire. I'm also willing to buy Demigod because I love Stardock and GPG. :D

-And the war on piracy continues! An indie games developer decided to take the time and do the thing that no company has ever thought to do: ask the pirates why they pirated games! Suprisingly, he received plethora of responses with incredible stories! Full story here at this link. This guy made a really smart move, like Bethesda and Stardock making their games DRM-free.


Post-Halloween Blog

Okay, so here's what's been going on:

-I'm getting half the games posted in the previous blog this week! :D
-Lots of chocolate!
-Lots of cavities, too.
-Light homework and a 4-day weekend coming up this week!

And (on a more serious note), my dad subtly (should we say "a lot"?) implied to me during our talk for university that I should have my brother (since we're twins), take the same subjects at different periods so that during tests, he can give me advice on what would be coming up. Simply put: he wants us to cheat our way through college. I was apalled, disgusted, infuriated, to say the least. I immediately denied him with a flat out "No." Then he proceeded to ask my brother, who also replied with a flat "No." So now he's just walking around the house now calling us idiots for not wanting to cheat our way through college. I hate my dad, considering that he's never been a father figure ever in my entire life, and he sure isn't one now.



Yes, so it's finally here. Only two more months until Christmas! -twitches-

Other than getting the usual candy haul (chocolate ftw), I haven't done much lately. Other than taking what seems to be the best school test in my entire life (someone was playing a guitar the whole time! :D), everything seems to be fine.

Other the other hand, I might be getting these games next weekend:

Fallout 3
Crysis Warhead
Assassin's Creed
Far Cry 2
Dead Space
