Yeah, they need to make more offline split-screen games and ADD BOTS! *drools over memories of Time Splitters*
TheCaveRat's forum posts
There isn't a quest marker for it? Did you try hitting X on the quest in your pip-boy? I did the quest a different way, so idk, just seems like something they'd mark for you.
I think it's a good change from crap we've been seeing like in CoD and FO3. Not that those are bad graphics in any stretch, I just love the direction they took with Borderlands, makes it stand out and it looks awesome.
Did you miss the part where he said there were 4 pennies inside and the screws are wasted? I'm assuming wasted means stripped, they'll definitely know. May as well get an arcade and use ur HDD on it.Well, if you opened it up and made no marks, and you got yourself a proper sticker, then how would thek know? If you cleaned the old sticker glue off, I don't see how they would be able to tell.
I'm not sure... The Half-Life series is in my top 3 series ever because the single player experience is just so awesome. However, some games are very good at balancing. Like Time Splitters, also in my top 3. Well... the first one didn't really have a story or anything, the single player wasn't too special, but the multiplayer was awesome if you play with a friend and go like 2 vs. 10 bots. TS2 and TSFP both had awesome single player, TF2 reminding me a lot of Goldeneye. And the multiplayer in those was awesome some of the best ever, with the huge selection of characters and guns. So I think they should stop focusing so much on multiplayer and focus on single player too, but not exclude multiplayer all togther.
I'm doing the deal where you can trade in 2 games and get Brutal Legend for $20. So I'm trading in CoD4 and FO3 sinec I also have them on PC anyway. But I only have $10 cash to spare, I'd imagine it would but do you think the trade in value of RE5 would cover te other $10 plus the tax? WI only has like a 5.5% sales tax so it's not much.
It was the beginning of this year that I kinda started to switch over to PC gaming, but now that you mention it... I guess your kinda right. However I'd much rather get games for PC if possible. Not because they look better, that's the last thing I really care about, it's mainly that I like using a mouse and keyboard as opposed to a controller. But if you're really questioning I'd just wait and see what happens, maybe something better will pop up to spend your money on.
Yeah, when my brother beat it he sent it to me, I'm not much of a fan of JRPGs so I'm not into it that much either.
Garry's Mod
Innocent Bystander- Kill 1,000 innocent animals.
.3% have it.
I got it in like 5 minutes, i created a turret and me and my friend spawned pigeons until i got 1,000, we were bored.
Yeah, before i played the game i got a mod that increases the carry limit, but I don't think I needed it. It's like 200 max default right? I think at least, anyway the mod i got was for 500 max, but i never got over 150, once you realise you have enough ammo, meds, energy drinks, etc. it becomes annoying picking stuff up all the time.
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