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BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma's roster grows to 23.

That's 4 new characters for BBCP, and there is rumors of 2 more for consoles. It seems Arc have learned from there mistakes with BBCS. Which was basically them rushing out a half assed sequel in a year, rehashing most the stages from CT with tweaks, and so only adding 2 character to the arcade version, then half assing in a unlockable console character that was modified sprite of a existing character (even though the final result was still a solid character) which served as the story modes final boss and also couldn't be used in most offline modes after you unlocked her, and then 3 overpriced DLC character which wasn't even usable in most the offline modes, and finally releasing the proper version we should have got the first time where the characters were actually properly integrated into the game, with a additional character and stage, earlier this year. Yeah all that didn't work out so well. Hopefully with CP they make unlockables more like Extend, and not like regular CS in which they deliberatly made unlockables so frustrating to get to try and force people to by unlock codes.

Anyway the character is Izayoi, and following Shin Noel from BBCS is Shin Tsubaki since it's her with her weapon fully awakened. Which basically means Tsubaki learned Bankai so she can counter Noel's Bankai (Mu-12), since Noel is coming to f*** her up, and Tsubaki has to somewhat keep up with Noel in all her inferiority complex lameness. I mean Noel entered Bankai in BBCS and became the true final boss, and now in the sequel Tsubaki has to rip Noel off and do the same because of her Noel jealousy (jokes on you Tsubaki, rumors are one of the console characters will be the true final boss), I don't think Noel is the problem in your life Tsubaki. Most likely Izayoi will be the arcade mode final boss too. Anyway while the character is Tsubaki, that's pretty much all they have in common. The sprite is brand new, and the moveset is completely unique. Not like Mu which was a headswap Nu with a redrawn body and additions, with them sharing some normals and drive animations (though it seems they're tweaking Nu and Mu to further seperate them in BBCP). Anyway design and moveset is a huge improvement over normal Tsubaki's Order Sol rip-off gameplay and terrible outfit.

She's a multistance character. Stance 1 is supposedly a zoner in which she gains powerups above the heat guage, and her second stance is a rushdown stance in which she uses said powerups to do her special moves in this stance.



So that new BlazBlue game announced today.

So Arc announced BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma today. Unlike CS this seems to be getting the full blown sequel treatment.


Reports say all the characters have new stances/idle animations. New themes/BGM's, not sure if for all characters are just some yet. Obviously new moves for characters. Games in a new city so all new stages.

Not much is known on system changes yet, but it looks like bursts now refill like in Guilty Gear. Also doesn't look like there is a guard crush system like in the previous 2. Also looks like meter is now in 4 chunks instead of 2, this could mean that all characters now have EX attacks instead of it just being limited exclusively to Jin, or some other meter using abilities or mechanics will be introduced.

Anyway 3 new characters were announced. I hope more are on the way, at least for console, and not as DLC.

Anyway you have a new guy that looks like a girl and makes Jin look like Tony Stark, a crazy old dude, and a new girl named Bullet that's been nicknamed Makoto V2 by people. :P Nu was oddly absent from trailer, and since we learned at the end of CS she was still alive, so I'm guessing she will be a sub-boss or something, hope she is just a sub-boss instead of being the final boss again, hoping the Imperator is final boss.

Noel has got a complete makeover sporting a new outfit and wielding a new set of guns.

The sexilicious get more sexilicious. Her new outfit also seems to reflect a bit of her Mu persona, since I would assume Noel is now in full control of her emotions after Bolverk being destroyed so her and Mu are no longer seperate personalities.

Showed off one of her new moves in the trailer, she's now got a freaking shotgun!


Noel can even make blowing someones head off with a shotgun adorable.

I love when great mods come along. Also crappy new games.

Start with crappy new games I got. I decided to give 3 games a shot since I was slightly interested, and because they were on sale so I got them cheap.

First up is Killzone 3. Resistance 3 had a demo of the game on the disk, so a few week ago I finally tried the demo to see if Killzone 3 improved on 2, and sure enough it did. I really enjoyed the demo, the controls were much smoother than 2, and they fixed the only being able to carry 2 weapons thing in Killzone 2. In 2 you could only carry a main weapon (most of the games weapons), and a sidearm (pistols/magnums), which resulted in a few sections being annoying since if you needed a RPG then you were limited to only a crappy low powered side arm which made the games mid boss really annoying since you had to hit him with a rocket and use your sidearm to hit the little electrical things to stun him, or if you had a sniper rifle for distant enemies crappy sidearm for close range, these sections were rare but still incredibly frustrating on higher difficulties. In 3 it was now split into sidearms (and there was some better ones in 3, like the silent SMG in the stealth level, or the shotgun pistol thing), primary, and heavy, so RPGs, sniper rifles, machine guns, and special weapons (this game has a blantant Doom BFG rip-off, it's basically a BFG but reskinned, works exactly the same as it did in Doom 3 but without reloading) are all now classified as heavy so it makes everything much smoother and not frustrating.

So with all those improvements, then why I am immediately getting rid of the game, said it's crappy, and why did reviewers give it lower scores than Killzone 2 you wander? Well the time it took to complete each of the games 8 levels and prologue tutorial level is located in level select, and after I beat the game I was all "that's it?" since I beat the game in only 2 sittings, then I checked the time and it all added up to a wopping 2 hours and 56 minutes.... 2 hours and 56 minutes for my very first playthrough... That's even shorter than Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and Left 4 Dead 2! I remember when I got Resistance 3 and posted on here how I was disappointed I beat it in only 5 hours exactly, my second playthrough was around 4 hours and 30 minutes. Turns out it was a huge step up from Sony's other shooter. Then to make things worse with Killzone 3, it suffered from the CoDish on-railish overly scripted level design and actual on-rails levels. Hell Killzone 3 ends with a on-rails space shooter section where you take down the main villians ship, after you fought your way through the ship he was previously on. Basically it's like the space level of Halo Reach where you fight your way to a ship on Reach, then have a proper space battle section where you actually control the ship yourself, and then board the enemy ship, except gone horribly horribly wrong in Killzone 3. Of course that's not the only on-rails section (I did like the short and mildy entertaining vehicle one, you were totally vrooming in it), but ending a game like that, ugh, Gears of War 2 all over again. Basically I consider Killzone 3 just a prettier Call of Duty, but with a cover button and enemies that don't die in 1 hit. Also co-op is split screen only and the games performance while in split screen is less than stellar.

Next is Left 4 Dead 2. I thought the first was highly overrated but still was kind of shallow fun, so I finally got Left 4 Dead 2 since it was on sale very cheap. Well like I said it's actually longer than Killzone 3's campaign, so it's longer than the original with longer levels at least, and the graphics are a bit improved, guns look much better. However there is just something way less fun about this one compared to the first. It's weird, guns just feel a bit less satisfying to shoot, especially the shotgun, seems slower and like it has less power and radious that 1's. Then of course it being rushed out in a year some of the level design is clearly rushed, like hard Rain being you play through 2 levels, then go back through it in reverse BUT NOW IT'S STORMING AND YOU CAN'T SEE S***, OOOOOOOO! Also I just found the Left 4 Dead 1 survivors more likable, especially Zoey. Left 4 Dead 2 chick is like that annoying black girl in the movie theater that won't shut up and you want to stab repeatedly, you know like in Scary Movie.

Lasty is Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. First is the controls, why is aiming incredibly slow compared to the previous installments, especially 2's? Actually why is incredibly slow comnpared to it's own MP modes? It's like Nate is trying to aim a dumbbell. This was made less of a issue once I realized Nate automatically aims at the enemy closest to him when you hold L1 to go into aim mode, just like Call of Duty, so L1, shoot, kill, let go of L1, L1, shoot, kill, repeat. Then there is all the scripted set pieces of overly linear on rails goodness. Honestly what the hell is up with all the running? Half the game is scripted running from something, well you get to sections where you chase after the main villian, OH MY F***ING GAWD THE VARIETY! Uncharted 3: Drake's Clunky Free Running would be a more accurate name. On the bright side this game has a lot of Sully unlike the previous games since it focuses on Drake and Sully's history, and who doesn't love Sully? If Sully was the main character Uncharted would instantly be 500% better. Uncharted 4, more Sully, less Drake.

Anyway time for the awesome mod. Since you guys know me I'm pretty sure this will come as a complete and total not being shocked in the slightest. It's a epic SFxT PC version costume mod for Lili! Lili cosplaying Morrigan, Lili cosplaying Morrigan to 100% perfection, Lili actually being a hotter Morrigan than Morrigan herself, which I thought was completely impossible, but Lili found a way. Okay and it doesn't hurt Lili and Morrigan could pass for sisters.



Lili and Morrigan need to be in a game together and make out, errrr I mean swap clothing. Morrigan should have been the guest character in crappy SFxT, and Lili should be in Project X Zone, and then it goes down!

So I made the mistake of watching G4's top 100 video games of all time.


We all know G4 is a huge embarrasment to gaming, and the only person there with any credibility at all there finally quit, and yet even still this list was well beyond just being a epic fail. Just like all these top lists they can never decide to actually go with what actually is the best games or what was the most revolutionary, or of course just add games based on what sold the most and what they think people want to hear on top of that, this list took that to a severe degree of inconsistent crap.

So basically you got things like Portal being on the list yet not the far superior Portal 2. Mortal Kombat 1 being on there because of its controversy not because of its quality, I have never seen anyone that actually thinks MK1 was a better game than MK2, most now say last years MK9 is the best in the series, and after all the patches it got (and the reissued Komplete Edition with all the patches and DLC already integrated into the game disk) I agree. Half-Life being on there but no Half-Life 2. The Legend of Zelda being above the FAR superior Ocarina of Time, yet A Link to the Past was above both (Link to the past was number freaking 2), which was neither as revolutionary as either of those 2 Zelda titles and arguably overall just not as good as Ocarina of Time. All around a bunch of crap like that.

Then of course on the other end you have games like Halo 3 being on there over Halo Combat Evolved. God of War 3 being on there over God of War 1 or 2 (which is funny since most people seem to consider 3 the worst of the trilogy). Gears of War 3 being there over Gears of War 1. SSFIV over SFIII (SSFIV being on the list at all is bad enough), SSFII Turbo was the highest fighting game on the list FYI. Actually the only fighting games I remember was MK1, SSFIV, and then SSFII Turbo...oh the fail.

The biggest joke moment though came with game number 3, which was BioShock..... I don't think people that absolutely love BioShock would even say it deserves number 3 spot, hell I don't think anyone would even say it's best game of this gen. In terms of shooters of its type, Half-Life 2 (still can't stop facepalming over Half-Life 2 not being on the list, at all), Half-Life, System Shock 2 (also not on the list), Deus Ex (even if it's RPGy), and others all deserve to be above it, well above it, WELL WELL ABOVE IT.

Oh Final Fantasy VII was the only Final Fantasy game on the list, which also goes in with them adding games they think people want to hear. To follow that comment of them putting games thiney think people want to hear, Kingdom Hearts 1 was also on the list. Okay I like me some Kingdom Hearts but come on! When I look at the list of RPG's not on the list, that should be on the list, then see Kingdom Hearts did make it there is a great big UGH. Shockingly no Dragon Age Origins was on the list, yet Mass Effect 2 was (ughs, ughs, ughs).

Anyway in case you're wandering what was number 1 on this pathetic list, it was Super Mario Bros. :roll:

Since I'm sure your eyes are bleeding from reading this crap list, I finally found one of my favorite Noel images, that I have posted on here before, but the clear version without the stupid sample over it. So I will post it, to help your now hurting eyes.


Sexilicious I know.

Not sure if even Noel can help your bleeding eyes, and the headache from all the facepalms, but it will have to do.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 is how you do a CG announcement trailer.

Now that people is how you be a boss with vampirism. I wander how many people that said Lords of Shadow wasn't a Castlevania game, then didn't bother to finish it or even play it, are now confused as f*** as to why Gabriel is Dracula? :lol:

Anyway looks like we're getting some Dracula on Alucard action based on the ending of the trailer. Then of course the 3DS Lords of Shadow game coming out, called Mirror of Fate (it apparently is normal sidescroller Castlevania), where you play as Trevor (who's apparently Gabriel's son in this timeline), Simon, and 2 other yet to be revealed playable characters coming after him, who I assume will be in this game as well. Mirror of Fate takes place 25 years after the first, and before 2, where you're after Dracula in his castle he took from Carmilla (stab a b**** in the heart, then take her castle, that people is also how you get a castle like a boss when you have vampirism). Since you're playing as Dracula in this one I hope that means you get boss fights with all the Belmonts, and Alucard, that would be spiffy. Based on some of the images on the games site looks like Dracula will wield multiple weapons (one image showed him with a sword) and he won't just be limited to the badass whip thing he had in the trailer.

Anyway since people weren't happy that the first wasn't "castly enough" and that it "needed more castle" well sounds like you're getting castle.

So Lili from Tekken is going to be in a Digimon game for PSP. Heh!

Yep, my perfect little princess is going to be in a Digimon game, along with her butler Sebastian. No word if she's playable or what her role is, but still that's funny to me. :lol:


If she's playable I would actually import just for my Lili collection! Namco keep putting her in more and more stuff, be it cameo or playable, even her clothes is DLC for character creation in SCV. I think Namco should just go ahead and make her playable in every game they ever make ever and officially make her Queen of Namco, but that's just me.

Also just recently got 3 new games. The Darkness 2, Devil May Cry HD Collection, and Tales of Graces F.

The Darkness 2 was better than I was expecting after a lot of mixed reaction. I personally like the art direction went with a comic look, even if it does contridict the original games more realistic look, although I do wish the actual graphics were better. My only major complaints is the campaign is too damn short, and the mostly basic linear level design. Gameplay I found great though. If The Darkness 3 would have The Darkness 2's gameplay but with The Darkness 1's structure, that would be one beastly awesome game. I found Vendetta co-op pretty fun too, way better than Darkness 1's crappy multiplayer, was happy you could play it solo too, figured it would be limited to co-op only. Anyway it's split into 2 parts, campaign and hit list. Campaign is only 8 levels that tie in with the main story (though Vendetta is clearly uncanon), and hit list is where you select random single missions to just kill stuff, although a few of these is co-op only, but you can replay the 8 campaign missions here too. You play 1 of 4 interesting characters, each built around a single Darkness power takin from Jackie tied to a Darkness empowered weapon. Overall pretty fun game, and a decent story (not as good as the first one), but would only recommend for 30$ or less because of the campaigns short length (even if it was made to replay multiple times because of all The Darkness upgrades). I got lucky and got it on sales for 40$ though, yay!

DMC HD Collection is a bit of a lazy/simple port. Prerendered cutscenes are a bit blurry, DMC1 suffers the most in prerendered cutscene quality, especially since they were left in the oirginal ratio for DMC1 instead of stretched for widescreen which makes for inconsistencies unlike DMC2 and 3, DMC2's cutscenes are fine outside of CG, DMC3's all seem fine so far (first one seemed a bit dark and a little blurry, but rest have been fine so far), and the menus were left in the original ratio for all games instead of being stretched and cleaned up for widescreen (that's just lazy). Graphics are unchanged outside of improved AA and the games being much sharper and brighter. Besides that none of the games seem worse than the original PS2 versions, and being able to play DMC1 with a control scheme that doesn't suck ass is GREAT, so if you have never played them before the HD Collection is still the way to go even with the lazy menus and cutscenes, hell I recommend it just for DMC1's new control layout. :P Also you get a art gallery as a bonus, which is kind of neat, mainly for DMC1's art since you see a lot of concept art for designs that didn't make it in which were from when the game was originally going to be RE4, like zombies, (zomnbie cat was most memoriable), Tyrant, and Spencer.

As for Tales of Graces F, not got around to playing it any yet. Need time to dedicate to it when I get going. Damn you long ass RPG's!

Please vote in the Tekken X Street Fighter roster vote.

You can vote up to 5 characters from each side.

If you don't care about this game or it's roster then pelase for Lili, Alisa, and Kunimitsu for Tekken side, and Juri, Cammy, Ibuki for Street Fighter side, and do your friend Dusk a favor. If you only have 1 or 2 favorites for each side, then fill out your remaining 6 with the 6 above. Thank you! ;) *thumbs up*

Sometimes you just have got to get Extended.

It's been around a year and half but we finally got the actually finished version of BlazBlue Continuum Shift we should have got the first time if Arc hadn't rushed this sequel out originally in a year. It's also a good place to start BB if you haven't already, it doesn't containt the entire story mode of BB Calamity Trigger, but it does have a CT story mode that follows Noel, Ragna, and Jin with you switching back and forth between those 3 characters that shows all the canon events, and shows stuff that happened we only originally heard character talk about but didn't see, plus it's got a couple of good quality anime cutscenes. It suffers from some rushed voice acting and rushed localization though, not to mention some immature members of the localization team added in personal jokes in the subtitles (basically on rare occasions a characters says something, then in the subtitles on the bottom of the screen there is a additional lame joke added to what they said by the localization team), now if only these jokes were actually funny and clever. :P

The half-assed DLC characters of the previous version are now actually properly intergrated into the game, along with Mu, and they actually got story modes this time, plus the addition of the EX stories from the handheld versions about Tager, Relius, and Kokonoe's relationship, and the super cute story of how Noel, Makoto, and Tsubaki met and became friends. Spoiler, it will make you want to hug Noel, wait that's not actually a spoiler.

In terms of modes BB Extend has the best of any fighting game this gen. Adds Abyss (survival) from the handheld versions, which is kind of a RPGish survival mode, you get stat upgrades as you and can use money you obtain in game to purchase upgrades for this mode. Speaking of money, everything you do in game gets you money and experience, you level up till 20 and as you do more stuff becomes avaliable for purchase in gallery, artwork, additional colors, unlimited characters, and additional announcers. Also adds Unlimited Mars Mode, basically a mode where you have to fight through unlimited versions of all the characters in the game without dying, possibly the hardest mode in any fighting game, and one of the hardest things to beat in any game ever, both achievements for this mode just require you to play it and that's it (one is select the mode 10 times, and the other is to get blown up by a Kaka after Tao summons it, Tao is first character you fight in this mode). For some reason they removed Legion Mode which has been in the series since BBCT Portable, figured they would have included the updated version from BBCSII on handhelds, no biggie but still a shame. :(

This version has 15 combo challenges for each characters challenge mode, previous versions only had 10. Of course for all you that never played BB, it has a pretty robust tutorial (more robust than any other fighter anyway), and of course you get the joys of Rachel insulting you as you play this mode. Score attack is easier, they decided to make it a more easy mode since you have mars mode to kick your ass. :P

Of course the best thing about the BBCS games is, IT HAS 2 NOELIES! You don't get just 1 piece of super sexy hot Noely action, no you get 2. You get the super cute normal Noely featured above, and the super sexy Mu Noel. Mu also now challenges you in arcade mode as the secret boss for most characters, Ragna challenges Mu as her secret boss. Original CS didn't have no secret boss in arcade like CT, even though Mu was the games true final boss in story mode, now that has been corrected, YAY!

Now that kids is the definition of DAT ASS.

Anyway Extend is good, most good. Balance for the game seems really damn solid, unless you want to use Makoto or Tsubaki, they suck, well Tsubaki just sucks in general so they probably just wanted her gameplay quality to reflect her character quality, actually Tsubaki hasn't been really that good in any of the BB games she's been in. Since Tager is now good in this game I guess Arc decided to make Tsubaki the new Tager, and no f***s were given.

In other news Liil has yet another figure in production, and this one is just as sexy/cute as the last!


Your tongues can't repel flavor of that magnitude.