Start with crappy new games I got. I decided to give 3 games a shot since I was slightly interested, and because they were on sale so I got them cheap.
First up is Killzone 3. Resistance 3 had a demo of the game on the disk, so a few week ago I finally tried the demo to see if Killzone 3 improved on 2, and sure enough it did. I really enjoyed the demo, the controls were much smoother than 2, and they fixed the only being able to carry 2 weapons thing in Killzone 2. In 2 you could only carry a main weapon (most of the games weapons), and a sidearm (pistols/magnums), which resulted in a few sections being annoying since if you needed a RPG then you were limited to only a crappy low powered side arm which made the games mid boss really annoying since you had to hit him with a rocket and use your sidearm to hit the little electrical things to stun him, or if you had a sniper rifle for distant enemies crappy sidearm for close range, these sections were rare but still incredibly frustrating on higher difficulties. In 3 it was now split into sidearms (and there was some better ones in 3, like the silent SMG in the stealth level, or the shotgun pistol thing), primary, and heavy, so RPGs, sniper rifles, machine guns, and special weapons (this game has a blantant Doom BFG rip-off, it's basically a BFG but reskinned, works exactly the same as it did in Doom 3 but without reloading) are all now classified as heavy so it makes everything much smoother and not frustrating.
So with all those improvements, then why I am immediately getting rid of the game, said it's crappy, and why did reviewers give it lower scores than Killzone 2 you wander? Well the time it took to complete each of the games 8 levels and prologue tutorial level is located in level select, and after I beat the game I was all "that's it?" since I beat the game in only 2 sittings, then I checked the time and it all added up to a wopping 2 hours and 56 minutes.... 2 hours and 56 minutes for my very first playthrough... That's even shorter than Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and Left 4 Dead 2! I remember when I got Resistance 3 and posted on here how I was disappointed I beat it in only 5 hours exactly, my second playthrough was around 4 hours and 30 minutes. Turns out it was a huge step up from Sony's other shooter. Then to make things worse with Killzone 3, it suffered from the CoDish on-railish overly scripted level design and actual on-rails levels. Hell Killzone 3 ends with a on-rails space shooter section where you take down the main villians ship, after you fought your way through the ship he was previously on. Basically it's like the space level of Halo Reach where you fight your way to a ship on Reach, then have a proper space battle section where you actually control the ship yourself, and then board the enemy ship, except gone horribly horribly wrong in Killzone 3. Of course that's not the only on-rails section (I did like the short and mildy entertaining vehicle one, you were totally vrooming in it), but ending a game like that, ugh, Gears of War 2 all over again. Basically I consider Killzone 3 just a prettier Call of Duty, but with a cover button and enemies that don't die in 1 hit. Also co-op is split screen only and the games performance while in split screen is less than stellar.
Next is Left 4 Dead 2. I thought the first was highly overrated but still was kind of shallow fun, so I finally got Left 4 Dead 2 since it was on sale very cheap. Well like I said it's actually longer than Killzone 3's campaign, so it's longer than the original with longer levels at least, and the graphics are a bit improved, guns look much better. However there is just something way less fun about this one compared to the first. It's weird, guns just feel a bit less satisfying to shoot, especially the shotgun, seems slower and like it has less power and radious that 1's. Then of course it being rushed out in a year some of the level design is clearly rushed, like hard Rain being you play through 2 levels, then go back through it in reverse BUT NOW IT'S STORMING AND YOU CAN'T SEE S***, OOOOOOOO! Also I just found the Left 4 Dead 1 survivors more likable, especially Zoey. Left 4 Dead 2 chick is like that annoying black girl in the movie theater that won't shut up and you want to stab repeatedly, you know like in Scary Movie.
Lasty is Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. First is the controls, why is aiming incredibly slow compared to the previous installments, especially 2's? Actually why is incredibly slow comnpared to it's own MP modes? It's like Nate is trying to aim a dumbbell. This was made less of a issue once I realized Nate automatically aims at the enemy closest to him when you hold L1 to go into aim mode, just like Call of Duty, so L1, shoot, kill, let go of L1, L1, shoot, kill, repeat. Then there is all the scripted set pieces of overly linear on rails goodness. Honestly what the hell is up with all the running? Half the game is scripted running from something, well you get to sections where you chase after the main villian, OH MY F***ING GAWD THE VARIETY! Uncharted 3: Drake's Clunky Free Running would be a more accurate name. On the bright side this game has a lot of Sully unlike the previous games since it focuses on Drake and Sully's history, and who doesn't love Sully? If Sully was the main character Uncharted would instantly be 500% better. Uncharted 4, more Sully, less Drake.
Anyway time for the awesome mod. Since you guys know me I'm pretty sure this will come as a complete and total not being shocked in the slightest. It's a epic SFxT PC version costume mod for Lili! Lili cosplaying Morrigan, Lili cosplaying Morrigan to 100% perfection, Lili actually being a hotter Morrigan than Morrigan herself, which I thought was completely impossible, but Lili found a way. Okay and it doesn't hurt Lili and Morrigan could pass for sisters.
Lili and Morrigan need to be in a game together and make out, errrr I mean swap clothing. Morrigan should have been the guest character in crappy SFxT, and Lili should be in Project X Zone, and then it goes down!
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