Yeah... unload a semi auto pistol with 12 rounds in 1.8 seconds... First time I've ever seen that in any video game... maybe it's innovation
This is correct... but if you respond to the article, and still are not clearly impressed with Xone... your considered wrong, and a Sony Fanboy... Just ask Sevenizz
But FYI that wasn't a stab at Xbox. The game honestly looks over talked... I was not impressed. Battlefield puts it to shame...
Absolutely. .. or all the jagged edges were from the underpowered machine they showed it on... hmm. That might be it.
Yeah... that whole Soccer (Football) 25 minute interview was the most boring thing ever... but of course it's MS sucking up to Germany:) gotta rope em in. And Sunset Overdrive ... well. Nothing to be said.. I had different thoughts for it.
I was gonna vouch for Quantum Break till I actually watched the gameplay... Although a very interesting concept, seemed very repetitive. .. Stop time - run behind another coverStop time - run behind another coverOnly seen 2 executions and gunplay was pretty unlogical. Although others could disagree
TheExxorcist's comments