Idk if it's just me, but that new COD looks terrible, the textures sucked, jagged edges, explosions were weak, they said it was supposed to look Photo Realistic. Not even close. I'm not kidding. Terrible...
How about Bloodborne, Uncharted, The Order, Drive Club, The Last of Us, Planetside 2, Day Z, H1Z1, Infamous, God of War... and those are just off the top of my head...
Let alone 90% of multiplat AAA games are superior on PS4...
Also SSD capable, which runs circles around Xone USB SSD capabilities... why are you such a hater? He's correct, Sony did do well this gen. How can you argue that?
I'm Sorry, but I've invested alot into my PS4 already. Im also not paying for 2 subscriptions for online...and not to hate on MS, but I threw an SSD in my PS4... and it runs circles around disk loading times and standard HDDs... especially digital games.
Just wish MS allowed HDD swaps W/O Voiding Warranty... Hell for the size of that enormous box, they should have like 4 HDD bays...
And External SSDs on the One don't do justice, as they are only as fast as the USB port.
I remember someone talking crap about Drive Club cause it's 30fps...
Little did that person know, Forza Horizon 2 is 30fps not 60fps... why? I don't know... they must have added more dynamic weather effects or something.
TheExxorcist's comments