Just sold my Xbox One today... $200 bucks is all I could get for that oversized paperweight... If its on PC, I will wait and see how it turns out. May just get a copy later... as for Xbox, glad its gone. What a waste of money
@thatguy2001: There are less than 2% of actual PC gamers that can even push 4k on high settings with over 60fps occording to STEAM. So its pretty irrelevant. Most posts from PC fanboys saying they prefer 4k 60fps is lies... they are referring to PCs they WISH they had lol...
I just ordered all my stuff for a 4K PC rig... it will definatly push high settings... but 60fps consistent??? Doubtful... PCs fluctuate fps more than any gaming platform when pushing high resolutions lol
@aiden_kasel: Better than compairing PC to Xbox One I guess.... Could have been worse. But I understand your arguments. I really enjoy my PS4. It was a great investment for the money. I just ordered all my parts for a new PC 4K build... so I will have the best of both worlds I guess. I am only Biased In a way I think the Xbox One was the biggest pile of sh*t in the entire gaming industry... But as being an owner of it, I have a right to say it. Because I have used it and do own it... and to me, Its garbage...
Yeah l, I just ordered all my stuff for my 4K PC build. Taxes came in :)
I will keep my PS4 for exclusive console games I cant play on PC... But I think its time to move on from consoles. Especially my Xbox One. I'm finished with that garbage.... selling it. Might buy some PC case fans or something for the money I get for it. Or a good Keyboard/mouse setup.
@tylerdurand1988: Kinda why I'm opting for x2 GTX 970's ... should be beast once this stackable memory is available... but right now, its a waiting game.
The only way this is going to happen is with split screen rendering... one GPU renders half the scene, while the other renders second half... although there will be downfalls, they just need to figure out a way to keep two cards in exact sync...
From what I'm reading, how it works currently, two GPU's render the entire game, they just skip frames... Should be much better when they render 50/50 each both with their own Vram... although what happens when one side of the screen takes a frame dip??? Hmmm
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