Okay I think I got enough hp Ev points. I started with 5 hp (each worth 10 kills) ups and killed 101 pokemon with a macho brace on. so 151 x 2 = 252. So now i have defense and hp at 252. Is it safe to defeat other pokemon now, or should i get another stat up?
Okay, i kind of confused myself with the amount of killings i need to do to cap it's defense so heres the math i did. 10+10+10+10+10+10+10 (w/out macho brace) 70x2 (with macho brace) 140 25x2(with Macho brace) 50+140 190 62 more so 31 w/ macho brace
I've got a few questions about Vaporeons. I read that i need to get his defense up and hp, but i see that his sp. atk and def is higher than the defense which i am working on. I killed about 10 defense giving pokemon, and then bought 6 irons and gave him those. So 10 def pokemon w/out macho brace, 70 with. so that is about 150 w/ macho brace? Not sure, new to the ev training.
Well right now, i want to have a Vaporeon as my tank, Zoroark as my sweeper, Charizard and Ampharos for power, Gilscor because it'll be hard to kill him, and i haven't decided on my last pokemon yet.
For my online battle team I want to have an Ampharos. Though, i'm not sure what to raise it's stats in. It looks like his highest stats would be in special attack. Should i go with that or should i have my Charizard have a special attack pokemon?
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