@Jimzeel Exactly. All those things he listed don't interest me, or GAMERS at all. We want gaming power, not gimmicks. Come back and try pricing your console when you are focusing more on gaming, and not on crap we don't want.
Ah, Don Mattrick has gone and opened his mouth again. And once again, he's made a fool of himself, and of Microsoft. This side show gets better every single day :)
@gantarat Eh, I enjoyed both. If you look at it as solely survival horror anymore, yeah, you are going to hate it. But as an hybrid action/survival/horror, neither game was terrible. I got my money's worth out of both personally.
@07jonesj I played it single player my first two times through, then played it co-op twice on regular mode (hard first time, impossible second time/collecting all collectibles), and now me and my bud are playing through it on Pure Survival (which makes ammo much more scarce at first). As Fryboy below me mentioned, it wasn't the best game, but the people who make it out to be terrible either never played the game, or didn't like the franchise in the first place.
@Lsnake I didn't like the generic ammo, but it made sense. The crafting was actually very entertaining if you ask me, allowed me to have fun with a wide variety of weapons.
Yes, forcing co-op to get everything was bad. But, the co-op *itself* wasn't bad. I actually have enjoyed playing with a buddy of mine a lot more than anything else. We still get surprised, and still screw around, and still get to enjoy slicing the limbs off of necros. Just together, on a larger scale. It's not the first and second anymore, but it's not complete gloom and doom.
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