@jj2112 I thought they really needed to end it with three (which may have been one too many). It was a perfect note for everything to end on, and then they had to do that crappy DLC.
@Cordliss @TheGamerPhenom @Mega_Loser As gamers, we become desensitized to things like that very quickly. It's why it's so hard to establish a horror "series," because players can only be "scared" by the same thing so many times. Many times, it runs it's course after just one game if you ask me.
@Cordliss @ramyland I think that is part of it. DS3, while not as good as 1 or 2, wasn't as bad as some make it out to be. The co-op is actually rather fun (me and a pal have had quite a good time screwing around on the game), and the gameplay itself wasn't terrible.
@Mega_Loser @TheGamerPhenom Not for me personally. I could go back and play it again now, and it wouldn't really affect me. I just don't think you are really going to get that "scare factor" anymore from a series of games.
It's part of why I'm super excited for The Evil Within. New, fresh, and made by the older RE mastermind. Made within Bethesda. Had incredible written all over it.
@udubdawgz @TheGamerPhenom @galactic88 @houshidar If you buy it used, you are still buying it. I buy a lot of my games used. I feel you miss out on a lot of replayability if you just say, "Oh, the main campaign isn't fifty hours long, not buying it." I'd rather have a game that I enjoy enough to play ten times over at ten hours long a piece, than an average game that takes me 100 hours to finish.
Eh. I enjoyed it. Wasn't as good as 1 or 2, but it was still entertaining. Granted, I thought the ending was a complete cop-out, and that it really should've been the end of the franchise, but the game was entertaining enough, and replayable enough to get my money's worth out of it.
And just a comment on the "it not being scary," thing that is always brought up: We've seen it. DS1 was so intense because it was a new experience. That's a lot harder to do when you are making follow ups in a franchise.
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