@ssdd_again @TheGamerPhenom Nope, I was paying perfect attention. I'd rather see them actively trying to work out kinks on the newest, and most up to date thing for a NEW console, than not even running something on it's own specific dev kit.
@ssdd_again @minfreah5005 I read that just fine. More the fact that Microsoft is trying to run things on an older system than what they were pushing that is hilarious. Or did you selectively read just that one statement?
@Dannystaples14 @TheGamerPhenom @david1230 @JoeGamer1234 But it DOES affect the majority. Used games are important to the majority. Not having to be online is important to the majority. It's fine if you feel that the "One" offers you a better deal if the price was more fair. Just don't expect many to agree with you. There's a reason it's taking so much hate, and it isn't just because we are all Sony fans. I come from playing the 360 and Wii last gen, and hating the PS3 for being overpriced, and underpowered. This gen, Microsoft is pulling the same crap, so they won't get my, or many other people's for that matter, sale.
@minfreah5005 I missed that the first time, but that is just more damning evidence. Rough. I think Microsoft execs have a running bet to see who can screw up the most.
@Dannystaples14 @TheGamerPhenom @david1230 @JoeGamer1234 I disagree. Many people, like myself, who are core gamers, aren't interested in the "One," at all. And the problem is, Microsoft will have to fight Nintendo for the casual gamer, no small task. Combine the two, and you are left with a console that is very likely going to get left in the wake. Oh, and the ridiculous price tag doesn't help either.
@Dannystaples14 @JoeGamer1234 @david1230 I do. I have quite a few friends that we share games amongst us. Keeps costs down when you have a lot of different tastes. So, it's kinda big that they are limiting me from doing that anymore.
@Dannystaples14 @TheGamerPhenom @david1230 @JoeGamer1234 That's fine. But don't make a statement that says it's going to be neck and neck. If you like it, that's fine. Most don't, and the general consensus proves that. As of now, outside of something drastically changing, Microsoft is in a lot of trouble for this generation.
@the_big_doggg @silvergol @rgish You know "doggg" in the future, if you want your point to be taken seriously, you should probably do something more than just toss around insults. Just a suggestion.
@Dannystaples14 @david1230 @JoeGamer1234 They won't be. Perception is everything, and the perception (which is correct, btw) is that the "One," is a terrible deal when COMPARED to the PS4. Specs that are almost identical (with Sony having a slight edge), no DRM for Sony, no change in used game policy for Sony, and no forced camera. Three of those four things (DRM, Camera, Used Games), directly affect how I play my games. Why pay MORE money, for something that limits me, and isn't as good? You don't, if you have any sense. And it's why you see the One falling vastly behind right now.
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