[QUOTE="TheMISCMan48"]You realize that as optimistic as Gears 3 is, Killzone 3 is even more optimistic right? NaughtyDog, Guerrilla, and SantaMonica have ALL done pretty much everything you just said. If you followed KZ2, GOW3 and U2 during development, they had several graphical leaps in short periods of time. Hell Killzone 3's Gamescom build is much better than the E3 build, and the game is still pre-alpha. Read the dev forums lol, they make sure they let everybody know they are "leaving no stone unturned, and no aspect unpolished. Every aspect of the game will have a once over". They are dead set on having storytelling, and gameplay, dialogue, and graphics superior to Uncharted 2 in every way. I cant help but smh when people think the game is nothing but a graphics upgrade. You can fully expect this game to be the Uncharted 2 of shooters.because obviously Epic don't put so much effeort into there games right? The same could be said to Bus-A-Bus. He was talking as if Epic were gods or something. I just had to point out that Guerrilla, NaughtyDog, and Santa Monica Studios are just as ambitious, if not 100 times more abtitious than Epic games will ever be. And their titles have proven that.[QUOTE="Bus-A-Bus"]
Yea i posted so that people dont judge it to soon...
Not to mention that all 3 of those developers had a hand in EACH of the last titles they released, and they frequently consult eachother for their projects. All 3 had a hand in Uncharted 1 and 2, they both helped on Killzone 2 (and 3) and they all helped on God of War 3. Insomniac games was also consulted for all 3 of those games as well btw. All of those developers have also been frequently consulted by Sucker Punch for infamous 2, as well as the motorstorm team for Motorstorm: Appocalypse.
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