Will the same composer that did the awesome music for Killzone 2 be making a return for Killzone 3?We are working with Joris de Man again, yes. in fact I think he's visiting us this week.
On the recent Cinematic Deaths article it says "if the player keeps firing on the jetpack's fuel tank it will eventually rupture and ignite, propelling the screaming trooper skyward in a ball of flame" but looking at the E3 build it seems they still die that way even if you just hit their body. But I can't tell where all the shots land, so can you clarify how it really works?
Chances are he'll do it anyway, but it is fairly easy to hit the Jetpack itself. Can sometimes result in some quite extraordinary crashes.
Will the weapons still have recoil and bullet spread?
Yes, but it varies from weapon to weapon, from zoomed to not zoomed, from crouched to not crouched. Its still Killzone.
Will the environments be completly destructive? Like can i take down a bulding buy firing on it enough?
That's not really how we use destructibility. We try and make it more as a visual story-telling aspect of our games than a free for all. There will be more destructibility in KZ3 generally however.
What's your favourite new feature in KZ3?
The Jetpack I would say. It just worked so well from early on and only got better from there on. Quite proud of how it turned out.
is there goin to be System link (LAN) in Killzone 3?
No plans for it currently.
Will the characters in Killzone 3 show more emotion in their faces than in Killzone 2? It's the one thing that bothered me about the campaign. It seemed like they were just staring at you with blank faces while moving their mouths.
There should be improvements in facial mocapping and animations, yes.
Seb, You guys briefly went over the AI on how they have improved skillfully and strategically, can you go in a little bit more detail about that?
I think it would be best to cover that in a seperate feature onwww.killzone.comor so. Everything is getting an overhaul in terms of performance and playability and its not as easy as giving a bullet-point list on improvements, but I will suggest that we try and provide that for you guys in form of a article or feature on the website.
How do the crosshairs work in 3D?
We detect depth so that crosshairs are placed on the object you are pointing on. Gets more complicated when you are half aiming at something.
Will we see the return of special weapons like the bolt gun, electricity gun, flamethrower etc?
No spoilers, but expect a lot of weapons to return from Killzone 2.
How are you going to celebrate your 10k post mark?
By posting the secret behind the 'h'.
Is the STA-52 still mostly the same, and if not, what's been tweaked?
Its changed quite a lot. Wait and see
One thing that bugs me in most FPS's is that when the player looks down there aren't any feet or legs there. You just see the ground and it makes me feel like I'm basically floating arms. Since now your legs are actually used in the game and seen does it mean whenever a player looks down he/she will actually see them?
Yup the player can see his legs now and that is one of the features that came from fan requests.
Will there be more gameplay elements using the six-axis?
Comparable to Killzone 2 in that regard.
Have you played the jungle and outer space levels in the campaign yourself? And are they as visually stunning and beautiful as the Frozen Shores-level?
Yes I play these levels almost daily and some parts of the game are of course not quite at the same polished state as Frozen Shores. If they were we could probably go on holiday now already. Unfortunately we still have a lot of hard work to do for the rest of this year, but I am sure it will all look awesome in the end.
I remember reading/hearing somewhere about you guys trying to get the crosshair in a good depth while playing in 3d. Will that be adjustable in the settings, or is going to be set at where GG decides it should be?
Currently no plans for making it adjustable. Not sure why it would need to be if we make it work properly.
How many new guns can we expect to see? Any new pistols at least?
Not saying how many, but there are new pistols as well as new heavy weapons.
What do helghast eat?
Hot dogs. According to the props sitting about in Blood Meridian anyway.
Have you guys ever used an idea that was suggested on forums? For something big in the game? ....Like has the community ever come up with something you deemed worthy to actually try out and end up liking?
Yes. Especially around Beta time, feedback becomes very important in terms of balancing maps and weapons. But we generally keep an ear to the ground to see what kind of features people want and what they did not like so much in Killzone 2 and try and improve on those things.
Will killzone 3 story line only be in snowy places? Or there will be other? Becuse i heard a rumor about jungle and more.
There will be more than Snowy environments, yes. We've only shown a couple of sections from a single level so far.
so does the sta52 now come with a scope as standard or is it a unlock, and sam question about the sta14, is the scope a unlock?
what does the 2 stars next to the sabdisguisemean?
Thats upgrades.
Ok so now that KZ3 MP was shown can you give some details about the beta? But heres some of my questions. Will the vehicles be at each teams base? Or they are going to be in a special place? Like they Flamethrower in KZ2 DLC. And how will the kill combatscenes work at MP? I saw a lil bit lag when you attempted to break someones neck but thats probaly gonna get fixed.
Beta dates are yet to be announced. Currently it is being tested Sony internally.
In that map you see in the trailer, each base has 2 exos.
If you mean the brutal melee, currently the victims camera goes third person to show him getting killed. Wouldn't look so good in first person.
Is there still a warzone with each game mode in a single game? That was one of my favorite parts of KZ2.
Yes we still have that. And much more!
Seb, I heard theres going to be matchmaking now. Is this true?
And can we still make games like there was in kz2, as well as have a matchmaking system?
Yes the whole thing has been revamped completely. When you are in the menus you don't see much of Killzone 2.
Has anything changed with clans? Will we be able to use the clans we had from KZ2 and keep our stats?
Unlikely. The whole gameplay flow and game creation has changed drastically as has most of the MP. I would be surprised if we manage to somehow salvage that information. Then again, it is always best to start with a clean slate in my opinion.
- When you say scopes are standard.. do you mean each weapon has a specific scope? Or is our speculation correct in that you can customize the weapons to a degree?
- We've noticed a few things missing from the HUD. In particular the health bar and objective info (player score, objective score, kills listing etc.) is this just because it's a trailer?
- Vehicles, can we expect them (be it jetpack or exo) to be on all maps or is it just a few?
- The blog said something on matchmaking, could you elaborate? Has it been a complete change from KZ2 or is it a refinement of KZ2?
- Gamemodes, I'm sure we'll here more about with the journalists but was there any new ones shown/hidden in the trailer?
- The levels shown in the trailer, could you compare them in size to a map from KZ2?
- We noticed some changes to the ****s, I think a specific question would be is there a lot more flexibility in how you play each ****now? Meaning that say if I'm a medic, I can fit a little more then one specific role (more so then KZ2 at least)?
1. We've simply updated a lot of the weapons visually and functionally from Killzone 2.
2. Partially, but we're also hiding parts of the HUD more. Displaying objectives only when we have to or when the player wants to see them with Dpad Up. Is to clean up the screen a little and help with immersion.
3. Each map is different.
4. Complete changes all round. More on that later.
5. More on that soon.
6. Killzone 2 maps were various sizes, so would consider this one on the slightly larger side. Comparable to MP1 in KZ2 I'd say especially with the multiple floors all round.
7. More on ****s soon.
Will all those features like jetpacks and other be on all maps? Or its gonna be on some map or several maps?
No not all. It would start getting a little jumbled if we had all on all.
1. You said that the map shown in the trailer has 2 Exos for each team. Will the Helghast have their own or it will be the same as the ISA one ? If it's the same, would be nice if you guys could do one for the Helghast, just like each faction has their own tanks...
2. Can you tell us if there will be any player-controllable flying vehicles ? What about aquatic vehicles ?
3. Any new ****s or just added new abilities to the existing ****s ?
4. Can engineers fix vehicles before they're destroyed ?
5. Am I correct saying that there will be maps with no vehicles, others with tanks only, others mixed(Mechs/tanks), etc.. ?
6. Can the WASP be removed from its place like in SP ?
7. If the revive still in, will it "reload" faster to be used more often?
8. Can we crawl while mortally wounded ?
9. The player count for MP still 32 players ?
1. Its the same base model, but lights change when occupied.
2. No spoilers.
3. Its all change there. More will be trickling out over the days and months to come.
4. Currently no. May change however.
5. It will be a mix, yes.
6. Currently no.
7. Depending on the Medics rank.
8. No.
9. No: 24
Please note, this is all based on the implementation of the demo people are playing at Gamescom. Everything can change by release.
Are environmental hazards making a come back (like southern hills, bullet train) personally this is a very unique feature that should make a come back, its one of the reasons southern hills is my all time favourite map.
Not in the map we've shown.
Seb, one thing that was bad in Killzone 2 was spawn camping, what did you guys do to change this? Is FF on default now? Will spawning for both teams be randomed ? Does Tactician still have spawn grenades?
Spawning system has been overhauled completely, but completely avoiding spawn-camping 100% will probably never be possible if a faction pushes hard and fast enough. We do of course keep spawn-campingstrongly in mind when making and balancing maps.
Question in some of the screens the Exos have a wide sance and the top parts are pulled in, and in others they are standing upright. Does this have to do with going under covered areas?
I think thats just related to what pose they were in while the shot was taken. They can't really duck.
When they mean squad rewards does that mean that squads' abilities will stack or enhance other squadmates?
Thats the idea. More on that soon
Is is 100% true that KZ3 MP will have all those things you she showed in the trailer? Becuse KZ2 showed us tanks in the MP. But when the game was released there was no tanks.
Thats not quite right. We showed tanks in MP only in a Sony internal trailer which we released publically after Killzone 2 came out.
can you remove the points popping up? having it in the middle of the screen is annoying...
How the points are displayed is not final. Everything can change
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