Companies pay you to perform a skill/service. If you refuse to perform this service/skill and there are others willing to for equal or less pay, why do you deserve the job?MafireeDeserving a job isn't about skill and service. The better the liar, the higher the position. In many companies, charlatans run the muck. If a person is willing to back stab, coerce, and lie, they will gain the heights of power. They yearn to "Place their iron hand in a velvet glove." In the east coast, people are vocal about problems. in the west coast, passive aggression.
TheStatusQuo's forum posts
Bosses (Master) are amoral. They violate regardless. Gamespot editors are abused constantly.Unless your boss is violating labor laws, I'm not sure your complaints are valid.
I'm not complaining about my job.
We are working to earn debt and pay debt. The money we earn isn't worth the ink it's printed on. Money doesn't represent gold anymore. It is just debt. ***I can hear the Rothschild family laughing**
If a company is profitable, the corporation chooses to move the establishment to another country to pay another group of people less to make more profit. If a company isn't profitable, the executives and managers are awarded with government money that is issued by the private bank called the Federal Reserve. It could be from the IMF or World Bank.
Capitalism is dead. Statism and oligarchy seems to be the case these days. Employees are lied to and abused with unreasonable goals.
My poll, I believe isn't badly written. I know that individuals have multiple perspectives and ideas that deserve to go noticed. It's good to have a little banter on the farce of the corporate world. I know people that like the image of work because they live to work, and work to life.
Psychologist love to have yes or no questions, but I'm no person who believes that I should play mind games. We get that enough at work. Mind games aren't cool. I like honesty. I view a corporation as a cult. People give up their rights and freedom for a cult, and I know that they must conform to man made rules.
Now that I think of it, every organization is a cult that cultivates us to be a certain way. Laws are important, but laws are bent at companies. I used the idea of slavery and masters because we haven't really changed. What we do however is create euphemisms to empower the worker to feel that the work is valued while paying the employees less, and the consumer more.
I understand that it's important to use the budget hours effectively. I know that much Gerg. Being profitable is important. But when management is incompetent and doesn't hire the proper work force needed to do the job, I understand that management wants the numbers to look good with labor.
Beyond 5 hours, employees can recieve time 1/2, or a premium pay. It depends on the company.
I personally don't mind working overtime because I value the pay, but having to see people get fired because they make a choice to leave when they've worked the required hours, bothers me.
At a salary job, no matter how much work you do, you get paid the same, and in salary jobs, corporate people bring meal penaty rules.Salary jobs aren't that great. You have to be a courtier, brown nosing your managers to keep your job, making sure to give them credit and making them look great.
Many companies employ individuals who can't think for themselves and because they feel they have much to lose; they'll coerce their fellow co-workers because they are supervisiors or managers.
But why?
I'll give you an example. Say you have an individual that has to work 8 hours, but then the store managers decides to extend the individual an extra 2 hours for a total of ten hours! Why can't the employee chose to only work the 8? If he declines, the manager can fire him for insubordination. I was a supervisor for a corporation, and I use to hate forcing employees to extend. This is wrong. Why do companies treat us like slaves?
Corporations tell us that they care about work-life balance to appear good on the books, but they do this all the time.
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