Standard Oil New York (SONY) has served its purpose. The United States Corporation has completely ruined Japan with Haarp, and has allowed a huge percentage of the east coast to succumb to financial ruin, during operation "Sandy". It should be noted that this "system war" has been the biggest farce ever concieved. Gamers aren't very knowledgable when it comes to business, and like any subject (commodity) needs a distraction to stimulate economy by entertainment, and media. Media is actually a euphenism for money. People became pirates and thieves. People download illegally. People have ruined their businesses for the lowest price possible. Even our junkfood industry is failing; have you not seen Hostess?
It should be noted that the Freemasonic Scottish Rite had two tools (brothers of the cult) that destroyed to civilian cities: Nagaski and Hiroshima. If we trace back to 33rd Degree Harry Truman, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, we'd understand that much of these American companies would be established in Japan, years later, failing to allow us an understanding that much of these companies aren't Japanese at all.
The United States is now a Communist party, and it has allowed itself to give consumers the cheapest possible price allowing the Chinese market to manufacture everything and anything. On December 21, 2012, the stock market will purposely crash. On May 1, 2013, another false flag terrorist attack will occur causing China to invade the pacific coast. Any institution that you attend is either Masonic or Jesuit; the schools teach socialism, and people depend on social security (socialist insurance funded by the tax that funnels to the IMF).
How does this relate to consoles?
Well, this is the essence of the "system war", for it appears clear to one and all that these consoles are nothing more than red-flags to give the casual person a means of spending on the development of China to continue its dominance.
Originally, the only thing that gave the consumer market buying power was to fabricate a rivalry between Japanese and American consumer electronics to fight over which "American" company was better. The consumer market is foolish and bought into the deception. Most people think Sony is a Japanese company. It never has been. The American Market eventually demanded more and more consoles, failing to understand that the S.O.N.Y Playstation was infact being manfactured to support the Chinese government to build up its market and business structure even further.
Since 2008, the market has weakened to such a point that no company is profiting. I have yet to see an actual Playstation 3 that is manufactured in Japan. I recently bought another PS3, and as I expected, much like XBOX360, and the WII U, it is made in China.
This war between consoles was only made by the ignorance of the people. I wonder if it was ever about games? Perhaps this is the biggest game yet?
What is next for this industry?
As an insider in the field of retail, I had seen that more and more, big retail chains are failing. The link between manufacture, store, and consumer has been broken. Even the mighty Gamestop have closed hundreds of stores. More and more, there will result a long hiatus where no company will be able to prosper. Sadly, many gamers think they know what law is. When will people understand that law is "accepted fiction" by the ruling power.
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