Operation Mockingbird; the very fire-wall to force writers and journalists never to reveal the truth about global affairs is well-documented and a matter of public record. The media is owned by the crooked nosed Rothschilds (Germany bankers who pose as Jews); a Germany family; Bauer, who own 57% of the world's wealth and owner of Reuters (still to this day). The goal of any new agency has always been to lie to the public. CBS owns Gamespot, CNET, and has a holding on Download.com. CBS does not take responsibility and continues to blame the public for the very crimes they've too, committed. But what are crimes? What is law?
Law is a ficiton agreed upon several men that have money (capital, holdings, and liquid; currency). Law is a business designed lie to people to pay for a lie. It's no question why people refer to laywers as liars. Judgements are produced by cowards (men who dress like woman, bearing "Saturn's death robe), and how hammer judgement with full prejudice, while trying to keep his "honor". Judges have 3 changes to convience the jury that he has honor. 1) Roman Civic Law 2) Oleran (Admiralty Law) 3) Talmudic Law. The people that succeed, pay fortunes to the men of Ba'al (those who passed the "Bar"). There isn't justice, but "just us."
CBS have been making sure to give covert information to the government, regarding illegal downloading, and at the same time, Download.com, which is run by CBS, is allowing people to doomed themselves by a stratagem concieved by this tyrannical corporation to jail the public into several indictments through absolute litigation; of piracy laws. Laws are fictions; laws are made up to make profit. The very word "Attorney" means, "turn you in". The very people at court are priest of "Ba'al." The purpose of court is to criminalize all citizens (slaves) as they are wards, for which the government and state (corporation), can in fact, handling a questionable amount of currency.
The fabrication for these political matters has always been to force the employees of CBS, to abide by their corporation's standard to commit fraud (against the law that is fictious). The goal of any news organization is to provide an official story that isn't truth, but a compliation of facts that are molded into judgement. Since many people are too lazy to research and see things esoterically, they assume that their government is infalliable, and pristine.
No nation shall ever be blinded by "Nationalism", or communism (socialism that is taught at every school and University in the UK and United States [a british colony]). It is no secret that governments (old men that are paid by banking cartels), are disloyal, dishonest, and grand manipulators to their sheep under the bottom of the pryamid scheme.
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