honestly I found the campaign mode quite difficult, lots of timing required to get over pits, and very precise jumps required too, but the user created levels are amazing (sometimes), some even made side scrolling shooters ; I think I heard the levels from LBP 1 and 2 will be usable for LBP 3, if lucky the guys who created them will use the new elements from LBP3 to update them
TheTenth10's forum posts
@fluorinespark: it's only in the second part where you get the "brand" ability, you can then have uruks and their followers under your command, and some time after have them become bodyguards that will betray their master, if you spend your time on it, you can have the maps with only uruks under your command
@Vodoo : there are missions where 2 captains do a duel and you can interrupt them, I had quite a lot
mass number can be a problem, but having 2 bosses and 2 shield guys is really tough, can almost never do the shield break (X + R1 on PS4) so have to stun and hope I can flurry, but most bosses will have you jump above them and are very resilient, so with 15+ uruks around it's stupid
@JustPlainLucas: honestly it's part of the atmosphere of the game, the slaves (with occasional rebels like Hirgon) are the only humans you'll see, so imagine the game with only uruks, that would remove a dramatic element.
I was a fan of BL1 (platinumed it, and I have only 2 plats). Game was fun, there as lots of strategic possibilities for each mission / attacking a spot. Now in BL2 the enemies hit way harder, are always spread so they can hit you from many sides. And in multi, lvl+1 enemies are just so tough, at lvl+2 they one shot you and you do no damage (in BL1 I could do lvl +3 missions). So the game has become a "FPS professional only" game when it was fun for everyone in BL1.
I must say that the PS1 era will not be forgotten by me. Of course being the first with lots of new ideas is always a special thing, but being over all a turn based RPG fan, it was so dense with FF7, FF9, Suikoden, Breath of fire ... The fighting games were fun and didn't need a computer mind to learn 100 special moves and counters, with Street fighter, Dead or alive, Star gladiator, Psychic forc, Evil zone.
So the PS2 era was somewhat under with already less turn based RPG, and the fighting games more about memory than skill, the racing games were not as fun and accessible to all as Ridge racer 4 and WRC, same for the FPS where the casual shooter guy got crushed by the difficulty (still have memories of the first Medal of honor and Exhumed on PS1). Still some fun games like Splashdown.
Then the PS3 came with less density each month of superb games, but with the graphics and power, some life marking experiences like Bioshock, Borderlands, Unreal tournament 3 and some insane mods the XBOX never had. It also had a new genre that blew my mind, the sandbox games like Assassin's creed and Saints row.
For the 6 months of PS4, I already spend lots of time and fun on AC4, Bound by flame, Child of light, Diablo 3. I'll get Murder and a few other when they reach 15 €. Next Assassin's creed should be good, some strange games like Vanishing of Ethan carter (that has some Shadows of memories vibe).
As sales go it shows people want to buy the new gen of consoles, and Sony keeps things interesting with the next exclusives, new technology (don't believe PS now can go far with such high prices and no buying / unlimited duration ; and sad to see they make again the mistake of "new thing will chnage the world" with the VR like they did with the disappointing 3D ; but at least they try to look to the future rather than buying things here and there like M$ does).
From how things goes the PS4 sells so well it will be here fro a loooong time.
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