TheTownIdiot's forum posts
Boohoo, so you couldnt play your games. Go outside instead.DarKre
****ing dunce
he said his parents dont let him go outside either
Seriously dude...
and when you turn 18, you can move out of the house and never have to put up with their BS ever again. But I love my parents....
most ppl love their parents, but they dont put up with over protective bull**it
do what you want and when confronted say you want some more freedoms
having freedom has nothing to do with loving your parnets
Depending on your age your probably going through some Emo phase - listen to some Vintage Linkin Park, should wear off in 1-2 monthsDante865
no normal person goes through a emo phase
[QUOTE="TheTownIdiot"][QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"][QUOTE="TheTownIdiot"]If I ignore them my mom gets mad and one time I ignored them and she cried,I didnt like it.[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"][QUOTE="SolidSnake35"]Ignore them. What can they do? Just be a decent child and tell them that they could've been worse off.Wolf-avatar
your going to have to make some hard choices, basic freedom to do as you want and learn or keeping your pparents 100 % happy
The only thing I relly want to do since I have no friends is just play video games and eat...and clean my room 3 times a day,I actully do clean my room 3 times a day.And im skinny,Im 14 and I wiegh 97 Pounds,Its wierd,I eat alot though.think about it
your going into high school next year, consider it a fresh start for you
people will nto know you you have as much of a chance to meet new friends as anyone
and you should try to do more then paly video games post on gs and eat
u have a good metabolisim but that wont last into adult hood and youll become a massive fat fk
again ur gonna have to confront your parents and tell them you think you deservfe more freedom
since i was never in a situation like yours i can only make assumptions but i can tell you if i were you i would do what im saying, and i would also ask them "did you have the same restrictions on you when you were in high school?" or something simular
good luck but u r gonna have ot make hard choices homeschooled untill college.daaaaam
dude do you realize how confined your life is? you gotta confront your parents
no going outside or your parents cry or get you ion sht, allthey let you do is eat and play video games, do you really wanna do that? by the time your in collage youll be like a puppy you wont know **** in the world
you gotta change something
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