Yes, you're right. ONLY people who work in those types of jobs have hard lives, clay. You sound like a bitter little bitch who is so pissed off about his own life, you have zero understanding, compassion, respect or empathy for others.
It's so easy to sit behind your computer and judge someone you know nothing about. You don't know the guy's situation, you have no idea about the circumstances he was dealing with, and because he wasn't doing "hard labor", he deserves no compassion, no understanding, etc. You think just because he is in the position he is in, he is privileged. I've got a lot of friends in game development, including people in higher up positions. You have no idea what people with those jobs go through, or what they are put through. So your words are born from pure ignorance. You know **** all about the subject, yet you think you can sit in judgement.
"He's weak plain and simple because he depends only on passion to do anything." This statement is the definition of ignorance. Just because someone makes a lot of money doesn't means their work isn't hard, or that their lives aren't hard and challenging.
As for me fucking off, I don't think so. I will say whatever I want, whenever I want, and you will do nothing about it. :)
You take care now, "voice of the working man." I'll let you get back to your imaginary class war.
Appreciate the input. It's always valuable to hear from people who have ACTUALLY worked in the trenches. I have many friends in the development end, and it is really, really hard work. A lot more goes into it than people realize.
I'd like to see you work under the conditions that a lot of developers have to endure during "crunch time".
Don't call someone weak until you prove you can do what they do and understand what conditions people have to work in. Otherwise, you have no clue what you're talking about, and it makes you look like a douchebag.
TheWatcher000's comments