Look, I agree the guy is a blowhard with a tiny dick, and the bragging and self-congratulatory vomit that passes for his personality are a bit toxic, but give the poor soul a break. When you're this much of a douchebag, it's a self-loathing thing. It must be a terrible way to live.
But hey, he's his biggest fan, so at least he doesn't have to live a life of loneliness. :)
No need to take it personally. I just completely disagreed with your assessment of the game. And you are right, opinions are opinions. I disagree with yours. It doesn't make you any less of a professional, nor does it make you a bad reviewer. And i do respect your point of view. I just don't agree with it. Much the same way people completely disagree with Jim Sterling on some games, most recently with Zelda. Although, I am NOT one of those people that's going to DDOS your computer and threaten your life over a review, like some of the more "special" people on the internet do to him. :)
I can definitely see and understand why he felt Zelda's flaws brought it down far more than everyone else did, and I can see and understand why you didn't like Styx. I just don't happen to believe it's flaws bring it down to a 6.
And honestly, I would encourage you to watch the review I mentioned. It won't change your mind about the game, but you might benefit from a different perspective on it.
Personally, I really like the game for what it is, and I would love to see what this company could do if they had a bigger budget to work with
@Random_Matt: Go to YouTube and listen to ACG's review of this, and then reassess. Gamespot really isn't the place to come for a review of a game like this.
@DIOSNY: First, please learn how to spell, Forest. A-N-I-M-E. You might also want to learn how to put a sentence together, use punctuation, and actually use language if you don't want to look like you have the IQ of a thimble.
The 200k cost was a number you pulled out of your ass in a feeble attempt to make yourself look like you know something. The Metal Gear FRANCHISE Started on The NES, so that period was HARDLY it's most profitable. The original MGS game on the PS1 cost way more than 200K. Good God, it's PROMOTIONAL Budget was in excess of 8 Million, so again, you have not a single clue what you are talking about.
As far as "most profitable", the series has done nothing but INCREASE it's profitability with each game. MGS V was the biggest selling game in the franchise, and even though it had an $80 Million budget, it was the most successful as far as sales. You're calling a franchise that has had 49 Million in sales "niche." Do you even understand how stupid this sounds? Now please, get back to 4Chan and circle jerk with the other losers that live in their mom's basement.
@DIOSNY: No, the pathetic person is you. Your idiotic arguments are all over the place. All this garbage coming from a piece of shit who can't even get any facts straight one one of the biggest game franchises of all time. (Metal Gear Solid makes no money. LOL) Look, it's obvious you just like to argue with people, so I'm not wasting any more time on you. Every time someone tries to engage with you, you "move the goal posts" so your silly narrative stays intact. And your silly insults about "Japanese Garbage" holds no water. The Final Fantasy Series IS AAA, one of the biggest franchises of all time, and is hardly "niche." The Persona Series has millions of fans in this country, and has never had a poorly received game in the series.
25 year gamer. you're just another meat headed, toxic casual who knows very little about the industry, has no life, and comes to gaming forums to vomit verbal diarrhea all over everyone, because you can't get attention any other way.
Please, just sod off.
We get it. You're a loud mouth moron. You've nothing left to prove, son.
TheWatcher000's comments