@Spartan_418 @omghaxor45 No, he is Missing the point.
For nearly two decades, companies didn't need to rely on DLC. What most of the masses know as DLC was USER CREATED CONTENT back in thee 90's and it was ALL FREE. It is sad to see so many people buy into all this nonsense.
DLC in console gaming could be so much more than it is. Give Console gamers the same ability to create content for games that PC Gamers were able to back in the day, and create DLC that has ACTUAL VALUE, in the form of REAL EXPANSIONS (Remember those?) that actually extend the original experience with many extra hours of Content. It worked for many of the biggest games of the 90's and it could work just as well for Consoles now.
But because of the current Predatory State gaming is in, companies like EA and Activision are trying to ensure those days never return.
It is sad to see so many people just sit back and follow along with what the conductors at EA and Activision do. If you keep giving them your money and enabling their schemes, it will only get worse and worse, until Peter Moore's Orwellian Dream of making you install a free client, and then sell you the entire game piecemeal, a tiny bit at a time, becomes reality.
You think you pay too much for games now? You'll look back on $60.00 games with fondness and nostalgia as the Ultimate Age Of Fairness compared to that.
@ArtickF8 And what a Good Little Corporate Boot Licker you are.
Seriously? THAT'S the best retort you have? Oh, but that's right, you're the intellectually Vacuous (I should be careful not to use words that you couldn't hope to comprehend if you lived to be 300, but, hey, I figure even a witless douche like you has access to an online dictionary) that told everyone they were "Stupid" if they didn't buy into this exploitation of gamer's dollars?
So we are all "Stupid" if we don't follow along like a mindless lemming and do EA's bidding, like you?
It's Zombies like you who ENABLE companies like EA and Activision to keep milking all of us with these schemes, and allow them to keep diluting and dumbing down gaming, reducing quality and experiences to terminally mediocre at best.
I hope you are just an ignorant kid who doesn't know any better. If you are a person that cut their teeth on gaming in the 80's and 90's, you should be Horsewhipped, because you should fucking KNOW BETTER. This kind of Marketing does nothing to further gaming.
I think you misunderstand something, though it seems with the low-brow mentality you seem to showcase, that is a normal state for you. I am not against games like Call Of Duty and Battlefield. Back in their early incarnations, they were great Shooters, and I still play BFBC2 even today. But you'd have to be an intellectual turnip not to see what kind of destruction and rot this kind of Predatory Marketing this nickel and diming does to the Industry.
Before this ridiculous DLC Nonsense, back in the Glory days of the 90's, you could download and play HUNDREDS of Levels for games, and many times they were BETTER than the quality of the schlock that is released today.
The Modding Community GREATLY extended and EXPANDED the success and life of MANY Classic Games. For the most part, that has been taken out of the hands of the gamers, and been put in control of predatory douchebags that care NOTHING for gaming, or art, or culture. They only care about schemes that milk the gamers for AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, while providing the LEAST AMOUNT OF VALUE.
Now get out of my face and go play with yourself behind your Ignorant Curtain, before I have to curbstomp you with ANOTHER History Lesson.
Well John, after the Pile your company Released known as Rage, (which was probably accurately named, because outside of all the Kiss-Ass Media Reviews, it's what most people probably felt when experiencing one of the weakest endings in recent memory, and an overall AVERAGE and MEDIOCRE Experience, only exasperated by the JOKE of the Sewer Missions you guys wanted to LOCK Everyone Out Of if they didn't buy the game new, and make them purchase some of the weakest DLC in recent memory) we're not too excited about you either.
Now, where were we? Oh, YES, you were droning on about "new experiences" and such.
Tell you what, why don't you and your buddy Tim "Everything should have an Online Leash" Willits try actually creating some "new experiences" worth "experiencing", and then you can condescend to all of us with your Wisdom.
Now Get to work on Doom 4 and STFU.
What in the Hell happened to the guy I met at E3 in 1997?
@digi-demon And you sound like an ignorant little child, given your 3rd Grade Insults and complete lack of knowledge (The First Home Computer was the Apple I in 1976.)
To be honest, digi-douchebag, I have forgotten more about Console Gaming than you could ever learn, having owned every single console since the Fairchild F (K-2 Space Odyssey, Anyone?), but let's not turn this into a "my size is bigger than yours" contest.
I Love Console Gaming, but to sit here and try to tell us that PC Gaming has not made contributions that are Superior to Console Gaming, or that PC Gaming has seen some of the Best games Ever made, is just flat out ignorance, and it makes you look stupid, uninformed, and laughably foolish.
I would imagine you missed the past 20 years of PC Gaming if Solitaire, Minesweeper, and Bejeweled is the only examples you can come up with to form an argument.
You must Have Missed Half-Life, Diablo, Diablo II, Doom, Doom, II, Civilization, System Shock, System Shock II, Deus Ex, Wasteland, Elite, Command And Conquer, Syndicate, X-Com, Kings Quest, Full Throttle, Tie Fighter, Interstate '76, Warcraft, Age Of Empires, Sins Of A Solar Empire, Homeworld, Star Trek: Elite Force, Baldur's Gate, Ultima, Might And Magic, Jagged Alliance, Duke Nukem' 3D, Realms Of Arkania, Betrayal At Krondor, Ultima, The D&D Gold Box Games, Wing Commander, Freespace, Descent, and about 100 other Games I could easily name off the top of my Head that are among the Best Games of the past 20 Years.
So, you're absolutely right. PC Gaming has Contributed NOTHING the past two decades. The Consoles are SO Superior.
I thought you Brits were supposed to be a bit more intellectual than this.
This is just Embarrassing.
So you hang out with BeefTaco123? Did he let you on his Elite PS3 Friends List? Does he let you hold his BlueTooth?
@digi-demon The Only thing Extinct is your Intellect. Oh, Look we have another Young Douchebag come to tell us of the Death Of PC Gaming. I've been hearing about the Death Of PC Gaming for nearly 20 Years, kid.
Here's a newsflash for you. It's been around longer than you've been alive.
And it's going to be around after you've gone. Your Comment proves you know next to NOTHING about PC Gaming and the Classics it has produced, or you are just a trollish douchebag Consloe Bot who has nothing better to do than annoy us with your pap.
@I_Am_Furious @CosmicJosh Wake me when he also discovers Blade Runner, Silent Running, 2046, Outland, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Westworld, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, Clockwork Orange, The Thing, etc.
@TookYoCookiez So let me get this straight. If you happen to be unfortunate enough not to be able to afford to have a blazing Internet connection and a computer that can play DIablo III, you have your priorities wrong?
Yes, rent, eating, survival, and generally taking care of your well-being and family. You must concentrate on what comes first! What maters most!
Do some of you even think about the ignorance of your thoughts and statements before you post? Do you think at all? Even if you have a valid point, it gets canceled out by silly statements that reflect the narrow BubbleWorld you live in.
@iagbas What an Ignorant statement. She writes an article that dares question the insane notion that Diablo III isn't greater than God Himself, so that MUST mean she never played the previous games, and it completely invalidates her opinions, observations, and assertions.
Just because you doubt, assume, and say so.
Yes, you really have everything figured out don't you? Why do we need journalism at all, or the internet, or any information source.
TheWatcher000's comments