@tgwolf Again with the Puritan Nonsense. Look , we get It Morel Orel. You're an Insane Moral Crusader who hates anything that skirts beyond the Limits of PG-13. What you fail to understand or get is some of the Greatest Games ever made have been M-Rated Titles. M-Rated Titles are never going to go away, you are never going to get your uptight, close-minded, fear of everything impure, Sterile Society you obviously masturbate to the idea of constantly (though masturbation itself is an M-Rated activity, so you must be flagellating yourself in conflict and shame), so please, keep your Trolling to yourself, go back under your bridge, and cocoon yourself in a World of Safe Choices, Sterile Outcomes, and Moral Rigidity that would make even the most Staunch Extremist envious.
@fillup0 I agree. I Long for the day when people will get past the OMG Transgender!!!!!!111111111 childishness and simply appreciate Carolyn as a person and for the work she does in her field.
It may not happen in my lifetime, but I hope it happens in SOMEONE'S Lifetime.
And Tixylixx, this is not a knock on you, so please don't take it that way, because it does not appear that you have issue with Carolyn like that. But there have been a lot of hateful, completely reprehensible comments and sentiment leveled against her in the recent past because of her being transgender.
People need to get past it, deal with it, and move on.
Translation: Valve is going to Wipe The Floor With Us and We Are Scared Shitless, so we are going to send out Our PR Bullies and Executive Shills to intimidate them.
Really Gollum, um, I Mean Phil, Go to your fucking Room and focus on what you're good at. Figuring out new ways to give gamers less for more.
Titov, Look, we know you can't handle the fact that you are a piece of shit, lying, douchebag, and I understand that. You are so good at lying to others, because you are more successful lying to yourself.
Two things need to happen.
You need to be blacklisted from this industry to the point where you are not even allowed to go within 500 Feet of a Gamestop in a DREAM, with the consequences of getting the business end of a Cinder Block if you do.
Find and Marry Derek Smart. You Two would be a Marriage Made In Heaven.
Now, with All POSSIBLE Due respect, go do the only useful thing you've ever done with your worthless life.
TheWatcher000's comments