@FAIL_TR0LL @billlabowski The Wii U is the turd that got flushed down the toilet years ago and is rotting at the bottom of the ocean somewhere long forgotten.
@jorge69696 It's not any more BS than marketing your console as if the RAM is the most important piece of hardware in the spec sheet because you don't want people to realize how average your CPU and GPU are.
@connorx94 I'd rather have Nintendo fail so they can stop hiding their first party games on their crappy consoles and we could get them on some actual modern hardware.
I thought that the magic RAM in the PS4 was already used to open up a time travel portal where we all saw that PS4 won next gen because all other platforms just quit because the memory spec of the PS4 was so amazing.
But then again there are also people who think things like "Call of Duty is the greatest shooter ever made", so on second thought maybe I shouldn't be so surprised...
The_Beanster's comments